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Congratulations to Rahul Bhowmick — He will be starting his own lab in the Department of Biochemistry at Vanderbilt on July 1!

Congratulations to Madison Adolph — Madison will be starting her own lab at St. Louis University on September 1!

Welcome to Houde Li, new graduate student.


Wenpeng Liu will be starting his lab at the University of Virginia this summer. Congratulations!

Rahul Bhowmick’s paper was published at Mol Cell!

Wenpeng Liu’s Science paper is published! Congratulations Wenpeng!

Kavi Mehta will be starting his lab at the University of Wisconsin this summer. Congratulations!

Welcome to new lab members: Sander Haigh and Dr. Celeste Giansanti.

Dr. Cortez is proud to have received the Armstrong Mentoring Award.

Congratulations to Dr. Taha Mohamed for defending his thesis. Good luck at MSKCC!

Congratulations to Dr. Kavi Mehta for being selected as the Destination Biochemistry Advanced Postdoctoral Scholar.

Congratulations to Dr. Kavi Mehta for his K99 award!

Congratulations to Dr. Matthew Cranford on the birth of his daughter!

Welcome Dr. Rahul Bhowmick!

December, 2021

Archana successfully defended her thesis! Next stop Boston.  Good luck Dr. Krishnamoorthy!

July, 2021

Archana Krishnamoorthy’s paper is out and she also did the cover art herself!

May, 2021

Congratulations to Courtney Lovejoy on the birth of Evelyn Rose Leser.

Update June, 2021:Evelyn visited the lab’s summer celebration picnic!

January, 2021

Congratulations to Vaughn Thada for successfully defending his thesis.

October, 2020

Welcome to Matthew Cranford, new post-doctoral fellow.

May, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Petria Thompson for winning the Leon W. Cunningham Award for Excellence in Biochemistry

Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Wessel for winning the Leon W. Cunningham Post-Doctoral Paper Award from the Department of Biochemistry

May 18, 2020


April, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Petria Thompson for successfully defending her thesis.

January, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Kavi Mehta for obtaining an NRSA fellowship

October, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Kareem Mohni. Kareem is starting his own laboratory at the Mayo Clinic. His lab will focus on viral life cycles, DNA replication, and DNA damage responses. If you are interested in a great place to train, give him a call!


May, 2019

Congratulations to Petria Thompson for winning best poster at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Retreat!

May, 2019

Congratulations to Archana Krishnamoorthy for winning best poster at the Midwest DNA Repair Conference!

November, 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Thomas Bass.  An outstanding Ph.D. thesis!

July 2018

Congratulations to Huzefa Dungrawala for being appointed as Assistant Professor on the tenure track at University of South Florida. Good luck, we will miss you!

June 2018

Congratulations to Archana Krishnamoorthy and Taha Mohamed on successfully passing their qualifying exams.


May 2018

Welcome to Jorge Rua-Fernandez, new graduate student.


April 2018

Good luck at Stanford Kami. We will miss you!


February 2018

Congratulations to Petria Thompson for receiving a fellowship to support her Ph.D. Research

Congratulations to Kami Bhat for receiving the Cunningham Graduate Student Award — awarded to the most outstanding Biochemistry student each year.  Kami is the 8th recipient of this award from the Cortez lab since 2005.

Welcome to Kavi Mehta, new post-doctoral fellow

Congratulations to Kami Bhat on a successful Ph.D. Thesis Defense!


November 2017

Congratulations to Kami Bhat on her wedding!