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Biogenesis, delivery, and function of extracellular RNA


Patton JGJames G , Franklin JLJeffrey L , Weaver AMAlissa M , Vickers KKasey , Zhang BBing , Coffey RJRobert J , Ansel KMK Mark , Blelloch RRobert , Goga AAndrei , Huang BBo , L'Etoille NNoelle , Raffai RLRobert L , Lai CPCharles P , Krichevsky AMAnna M , Mateescu BBogdan , Greiner VJVanille J , Hunter CCraig , Voinnet OOlivier , McManus MTMichael T . Journal of extracellular vesicles. 2015 08 28; 4(). 27494


The Extracellular RNA (exRNA) Communication Consortium was launched by the National Institutes of Health to focus on the extent to which RNA might function in a non-cell-autonomous manner. With the availability of increasingly sensitive tools, small amounts of RNA can be detected in serum, plasma, and other bodily fluids. The exact mechanism(s) by which RNA can be secreted from cells and the mechanisms for the delivery and uptake by recipient cells remain to be determined. This review will summarize current knowledge about the biogenesis and delivery of exRNA and outline projects seeking to understand the functional impact of exRNA.