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Syed Barmaver, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow, Cell & Developmental Biology

Syed Barmaver is originally from India and he earned his B-Tech in Genetic Engineering from SRM University in India, followed by a Master’s degree from IRCM INSERM U896 in France. Driven by a passion for exploring cutting-edge scientific avenues, he pursued his Ph.D. at the Wagner lab in Tsinghua University, Taiwan. During his doctoral studies, Dr. Barmaver focused on unraveling the intricacies of microtubules, molecular motors, and axonal transport, contributing valuable insights to the field. Currently, he is engaged in research on the “Roles of Microtubules in Paracrine α-β Cell Communication in Islets,”. Beyond his academic pursuits, he is an avid reader who finds joy in delving into the realms of literature. Syed possesses a keen interest in exploring diverse cultures and perspectives. His love for travel has taken him to numerous countries, including France, the UAE, Austria, Taiwan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, China, and Japan.