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Journal Publications

Kamel Boulos, Maged N. and Peng Zhang, Digital Twins: From Personalised Medicine to Precision Public Health, Journal of Personalized Medicine 11, no. 8: 745, 2021,


Peng Zhang, Chris Downs, Nguyen Thanh Uyen Le, Cory Martin, Paul Shoemaker, Clay Wittwer, Luke Mills, Liam Kelly, Stuart Lackey, Douglas C. Schmidt, Jules White, Towards Patient-centered Stewardship of Research Data and Research Participant Recruitment with Blockchain Technology: Frontiers in Blockchain special selection on Non-Financial Blockchain, 2020.


Peng Zhang, Breck Stodghill, Cory Pitt, Cavan Briody, Douglas C. Schmidt, Jules White, Alan Pitt, and Kelly Aldrich, OpTrak: Tracking Opioid Prescriptions via Distributed Ledger Technology, submitted to the International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), Special Issue On: Blockchain Technology: Platforms, Tools, and Use Cases, 2020.


Peng Zhang, Jules White, Douglas C. Schmidt, Gunther Lenz, S. Trent Rosenbloom, FHIRChain: Applying Blockchain to Securely and Scalably Share Clinical Data, Elsevier Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal — Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies in Biology, Medicine and eHealth Special Issue, April 2018.


Book Chapters


Peng Zhang, and Tsung-Ting Kuo, The Feasibility and Significance of Employing Blockchain-Based Identity Solutions in Healthcare, In book: Blockchain Technology and Innovation in Business Process. Publisher: Springer, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST), 2021


Peng Zhang, Maged N Kamel Boulos, Chapter 64: Blockchain solutions for healthcare, In book: Precision Medicine for Investigators, Practitioners and Providers. Publisher: Elsevier Science, January 2020.


Peng Zhang, Douglas C. Schmidt, Jules White, and Abhishek Dubey. “Consensus Mechanisms and Information Security Technologies”, Role of Blockchain Technology in IoT Applications, Vol. 115, 1st Edition, edited by Shiho Kim, Ganesh Chandra Deka, and Peng Zhang, Elsevier, 2019.


Peng Zhang, Douglas C. Schmidt, Jules White, and Gunther Lenz, Blockchain Technology Use Cases in Healthcare, Blockchain Technology: Platforms, Tools, and Use Cases, edited by Ganesh Deka, 2018.

Conference Publications

Peng Zhang, Douglas C. Schmidt, Jules White, A Pattern Sequence for Designing Blockchain-Based Healthcare Information Technology Systems, the 26th Pattern Languages of Programming conference, October 7-10, 2019, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Peng Zhang, Jules White, Douglas C. Schmidt, and Gunther Lenz, Applying Software Patterns to Address Interoperability in Blockchain-based Healthcare Apps, the 24th Pattern Languages of Programming conference, October 22-25, 2017, Vancouver, Canada.


Peng Zhang, Douglas C. Schmidt, Jules White, Gunther Lenz, and Mike Walker, Metrics for Assessing Blockchain-based Healthcare Decentralized Apps, Proceedings of the IEEE Healthcom 2017, October 12-15, 2017, Dalian, China.