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Winder Lab Publications


Melchior JR , Perez RE , Salimando GJ , Luchsinger JR , Basu A , Winder DG , Cocaine Augments Dopamine Mediated Inhibition of Neuronal Activity in the Dorsal Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2021 May 20;
Flook EA , Feola B , Benningfield MM , Silveri MM , Winder DG , Blackford JU , Alterations in connectivity of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis during early abstinence in individuals with alcohol use disorder Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2021 Apr 08; 45 (5). 1028-1038
Luchsinger JR , Fetterly TL , Williford KM , Salimando GJ , Doyle MA , Maldonado J , Simerly RB , Winder DG , Centanni SW , Delineation of an insula-BNST circuit engaged by struggling behavior that regulates avoidance in mice Nature communications. 2021 Jun 11; 12 (1). 3561


Flook EA , Luchsinger JR , Silveri MM , Winder DG , Benningfield MM , Blackford JU , Anxiety during abstinence from alcohol: A systematic review of rodent and human evidence for the anterior insula’s role in the abstinence network Addiction biology. 2020 Jan 28; 26 (2). e12861
Salimando GJ , Hyun M , Boyt KM , Winder DG , BNST GluN2D-Containing NMDA Receptors Influence Anxiety- and Depressive-like Behaviors and ModulateCell-Specific Excitatory/Inhibitory Synaptic Balance The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2020 Apr 10; 40 (20). 3949-3968
Perez RE , Basu A , Nabit BP , Harris NA , Folkes OM , Patel S , Gilsbach R , Hein L , Winder DG , α-adrenergic heteroreceptors are required for stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine conditioned place preference Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 Feb 19; 45 (9). 1473-1481
Jaramillo AA , Williford KM , Marshall C , Winder DG , Centanni SW , BNST transient activity associates with approach behavior in a stressful environment and is modulated by the parabrachial nucleus Neurobiology of stress. 2020 Aug 01; 13 100247


Centanni SW , Bedse G , Patel S , Winder DG , Driving the Downward Spiral: Alcohol-Induced Dysregulation of Extended Amygdala Circuits and Negative Affect Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2019 Aug 30; 43 (10). 2000-2013


Centanni SW , Morris BD , Luchsinger JR , Bedse G , Fetterly TL , Patel S , Winder DG , Endocannabinoid control of the insular-bed nucleus of the stria terminalis circuit regulates negative affective behavior associated with alcohol abstinence Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 Nov 02; 44 (3). 526-537
Fetterly TL , Basu A , Nabit BP , Awad E , Williford KM , Centanni SW , Matthews RT , Silberman Y , Winder DG , α-Adrenergic Receptor Activation Decreases Parabrachial Nucleus Excitatory Drive onto BNST CRF Neurons and Reduces Their Activity The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2018 Nov 26; 39 (3). 472-484
Harris NA , Isaac AT , Günther A , Merkel K , Melchior J , Xu M , Eguakun E , Perez R , Nabit BP , Flavin S , Gilsbach R , Shonesy B , Hein L , Abel T , Baumann A , Matthews R , Centanni SW , Winder DG , Dorsal BNST α-adrenergic receptors produce HCN-dependent excitatory actions that initiate anxiogenic behaviors The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2018 Aug 27;
Vranjkovic O , Winkler G , Winder DG , Ketamine administration during a critical period after forced ethanol abstinence inhibits the development of time-dependent affective disturbances Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 May 24;


Vranjkovic O , Pina M , Kash TL , Winder DG , The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in drug-associated behavior and affect: A circuit-based perspective Neuropharmacology. 2017 Mar 27; 122 100-106


Patel S , Shonesy BC , Bluett RJ , Winder DG , Colbran RJ , The Anxiolytic Actions of 2-Arachidonoylglycerol: Converging Evidence From Two Recent Genetic Endoca… Biological psychiatry. 2016 May 15; 79 (10). e78-9
Swartzwelder HS , Risher ML , Miller KM , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Wills TA , Changes in the Adult GluN2B Associated Proteome following Adolescent Intermittent Ethanol Exposure. PloS one. 2016 ; 11 (5). e0155951
Holleran KM , Wilson HH , Fetterly TL , Bluett RJ , Centanni SW , Gilfarb RA , Rocco LE , Patel S , Winder DG , Ketamine and MAG Lipase Inhibitor-Dependent Reversal of Evolving Depressive-Like Behavior During For… Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2016 Jul ; 41 (8). 2062-71


Wills TA , Baucum AJ , Holleran KM , Chen Y , Pasek JG , Delpire E , Tabb DL , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Chronic intermittent alcohol disrupts the GluN2B-associated proteome and specifically regulates grou… Addiction biology. 2015 Nov 8;
Silberman Y , Fetterly TL , Awad EK , Milano EJ , Usdin TB , Winder DG , Ethanol produces corticotropin-releasing factor receptor-dependent enhancement of spontaneous glutam… Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. 2015 Nov ; 39 (11). 2154-62
Silberman Y , Winder DG , Ethanol and corticotropin releasing factor receptor modulation of central amygdala neurocircuitry: A… Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 2015 May ; 49 (3). 179-84


Williams MA , Li C , Kash TL , Matthews RT , Winder DG , Excitatory drive onto dopaminergic neurons in the rostral linear nucleus is enhanced by norepinephri… Neuropharmacology. 2014 Nov ; 86 116-24
Shonesy BC , Winder DG , Patel S , Colbran RJ , The initiation of synaptic 2-AG mobilization requires both an increased supply of diacylglycerol pre… Neuropharmacology. 2014 Dec 4; 91C 57-62
Shonesy BC , Bluett RJ , Ramikie TS , Báldi R , Hermanson DJ , Kingsley PJ , Marnett LJ , Winder DG , Colbran RJ , Patel S , Genetic disruption of 2-arachidonoylglycerol synthesis reveals a key role for endocannabinoid signal… Cell reports. 2014 Dec 11; 9 (5). 1644-53
Avery SN , Clauss JA , Winder DG , Woodward N , Heckers S , Blackford JU , BNST neurocircuitry in humans. NeuroImage. 2014 May 1; 91 311-23
Marasco CC , Goodwin CR , Winder DG , Schramm-Sapyta NL , McLean JA , Wikswo JP , Systems-level view of cocaine addiction: the interconnection of the immune and nervous systems. Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.). 2014 Nov ; 239 (11). 1433-42
Flavin SA , Matthews RT , Wang Q , Muly EC , Winder DG , α(2A)-adrenergic receptors filter parabrachial inputs to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2014 Jul 9; 34 (28). 9319-31


Sanders PN , Koval OM , Jaffer OA , Prasad AM , Businga TR , Scott JA , Hayden PJ , Luczak ED , Dickey DD , Allamargot C , Olivier AK , Meyerholz DK , Robison AJ , Winder DG , Blackwell TS , Dworski R , Sammut D , Wagner BA , Buettner GR , Pope RM , Miller FJ , Dibbern ME , Haitchi HM , Mohler PJ , Howarth PH , Zabner J , Kline JN , Grumbach IM , Anderson ME , CaMKII is essential for the proasthmatic effects of oxidation. Science translational medicine. 2013 Jul 24; 5 (195). 195ra97
Shonesy BC , Wang X , Rose KL , Ramikie TS , Cavener VS , Rentz T , Baucum AJ , Jalan-Sakrikar N , Mackie K , Winder DG , Patel S , Colbran RJ , CaMKII regulates diacylglycerol lipase-α and striatal endocannabinoid signaling. Nature neuroscience. 2013 Apr ; 16 (4). 456-63
Louderback KM , Wills TA , Muglia LJ , Winder DG , Knockdown of BNST GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors mimics the actions of ketamine on novelty-induced… Translational psychiatry. 2013 ; 3 e331
Wills TA , Kash TL , Winder DG , Developmental changes in the acute ethanol sensitivity of glutamatergic and GABAergic transmission i… Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 2013 Nov ; 47 (7). 531-7
Silberman Y , Winder DG , Corticotropin releasing factor and catecholamines enhance glutamatergic neurotransmission in the lat… Neuropharmacology. 2013 Jul ; 70 316-23
Flavin SA , Winder DG , Noradrenergic control of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in stress and reward. Neuropharmacology. 2013 Jul ; 70 324-30
Wills TA , Winder DG , Ethanol effects on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine. 2013 Apr ; 3 (4). a012161
Silberman Y , Matthews RT , Winder DG , A corticotropin releasing factor pathway for ethanol regulation of the ventral tegmental area in the… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2013 Jan 16; 33 (3). 950-60
Conrad KL , Louderback KM , Milano EJ , Winder DG , Assessment of the impact of pattern of cocaine dosing schedule during conditioning and reconditionin… Psychopharmacology. 2013 May ; 227 (1). 109-16


Wieczorek L , Majumdar D , Wills TA , Hu L , Winder DG , Webb DJ , Muglia LJ , Absence of Ca2+-stimulated adenylyl cyclases leads to reduced synaptic plasticity and impaired exper… Translational psychiatry. 2012 ; 2 e126
Mueller R , Dawson ES , Meiler J , Rodriguez AL , Chauder BA , Bates BS , Felts AS , Lamb JP , Menon UN , Jadhav SB , Kane AS , Jones CK , Gregory KJ , Niswender CM , Conn PJ , Olsen CM , Winder DG , Emmitte KA , Lindsley CW , Discovery of 2-(2-benzoxazoyl amino)-4-aryl-5-cyanopyrimidine as negative allosteric modulators (NAM… ChemMedChem. 2012 Mar 5; 7 (3). 406-14
Klug JR , Mathur BN , Kash TL , Wang HD , Matthews RT , Robison AJ , Anderson ME , Deutch AY , Lovinger DM , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Genetic inhibition of CaMKII in dorsal striatal medium spiny neurons reduces functional excitatory s… PloS one. 2012 ; 7 (9). e45323
Conrad KL , Davis AR , Silberman Y , Sheffler DJ , Shields AD , Saleh SA , Sen N , Matthies HJ , Javitch JA , Lindsley CW , Winder DG , Yohimbine depresses excitatory transmission in BNST and impairs extinction of cocaine place preferen… Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2012 Sep ; 37 (10). 2253-66
Olsen CM , Winder DG , Stimulus dynamics increase the self-administration of compound visual and auditory stimuli. Neuroscience letters. 2012 Mar 5; 511 (1). 8-11
Wills TA , Klug JR , Silberman Y , Baucum AJ , Weitlauf C , Colbran RJ , Delpire E , Winder DG , GluN2B subunit deletion reveals key role in acute and chronic ethanol sensitivity of glutamate synap… Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Jan 31; 109 (5). E278-87


Lindsley CW , Bates BS , Menon UN , Jadhav SB , Kane AS , Jones CK , Rodriguez AL , Conn PJ , Olsen CM , Winder DG , Emmitte KA , (3-Cyano-5-fluorophenyl)biaryl negative allosteric modulators of mGlu(5): Discovery of a new tool co… ACS chemical neuroscience. 2011 Aug 17; 2 (8). 471-482
Gustin RM , Shonesy BC , Robinson SL , Rentz TJ , Baucum AJ , Jalan-Sakrikar N , Winder DG , Stanwood GD , Colbran RJ , Loss of Thr286 phosphorylation disrupts synaptic CaMKIIα targeting, NMDAR activity and behavior in … Molecular and cellular neurosciences. 2011 Aug ; 47 (4). 286-92
Duvoisin RM , Villasana L , Davis MJ , Winder DG , Raber J , Opposing roles of mGluR8 in measures of anxiety involving non-social and social challenges. Behavioural brain research. 2011 Aug 1; 221 (1). 50-4
Gosnell HB , Silberman Y , Grueter BA , Duvoisin RM , Raber J , Winder DG , mGluR8 modulates excitatory transmission in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in a stress-depe… Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011 Jul ; 36 (8). 1599-607
Conrad KL , Louderback KM , Gessner CP , Winder DG , Stress-induced alterations in anxiety-like behavior and adaptations in plasticity in the bed nucleus… Physiology & behavior. 2011 Aug 3; 104 (2). 248-56
Nobis WP , Kash TL , Silberman Y , Winder DG , β-Adrenergic receptors enhance excitatory transmission in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis t… Biological psychiatry. 2011 Jun 1; 69 (11). 1083-90
Conrad KL , Winder DG , Altered anxiety-like behavior and long-term potentiation in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis … Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 2011 Sep ; 45 (6). 585-93


Mozhui K , Karlsson RM , Kash TL , Ihne J , Norcross M , Patel S , Farrell MR , Hill EE , Graybeal C , Martin KP , Camp M , Fitzgerald PJ , Ciobanu DC , Sprengel R , Mishina M , Wellman CL , Winder DG , Williams RW , Holmes A , Strain differences in stress responsivity are associated with divergent amygdala gene expression and… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2010 Apr 14; 30 (15). 5357-67
McElligott ZA , Klug JR , Nobis WP , Patel S , Grueter BA , Kash TL , Winder DG , Distinct forms of Gq-receptor-dependent plasticity of excitatory transmission in the BNST are differ… Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010 Feb 2; 107 (5). 2271-6
Olsen CM , Childs DS , Stanwood GD , Winder DG , Operant sensation seeking requires metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5). PloS one. 2010 ; 5 (11). e15085
Olsen CM , Winder DG , Operant sensation seeking in the mouse. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. 2010 ; (45).
Patel S , Winder DG , An odyssey of fear: Homer stresses new mechanisms. Biological psychiatry. 2010 Dec 1; 68 (11). 980-1


Matthies HJ , Han Q , Shields A , Wright J , Moore JL , Winder DG , Galli A , Blakely RD , Subcellular localization of the antidepressant-sensitive norepinephrine transporter. BMC neuroscience. 2009 ; 10 65
Lu R , Li Y , Zhang Y , Chen Y , Shields AD , Winder DG , Angelotti T , Jiao K , Limbird LE , Zhou Y , Wang Q , Epitope-tagged receptor knock-in mice reveal that differential desensitization of alpha2-adrenergic … The Journal of biological chemistry. 2009 May 8; 284 (19). 13233-43
Patel S , Kingsley PJ , Mackie K , Marnett LJ , Winder DG , Repeated homotypic stress elevates 2-arachidonoylglycerol levels and enhances short-term endocannabi… Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009 Dec ; 34 (13). 2699-709
Kash TL , Baucum AJ , Conrad KL , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Alcohol exposure alters NMDAR function in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009 Oct ; 34 (11). 2420-9
Shields AD , Wang Q , Winder DG , alpha2A-adrenergic receptors heterosynaptically regulate glutamatergic transmission in the bed nucle… Neuroscience. 2009 Sep 29; 163 (1). 339-51
McElligott ZA , Winder DG , Modulation of glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 2009 Nov 13; 33 (8). 1329-35
Olsen CM , Winder DG , Operant sensation seeking engages similar neural substrates to operant drug seeking in C57 mice. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009 Jun ; 34 (7). 1685-94


Kash TL , Nobis WP , Matthews RT , Winder DG , Dopamine enhances fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the extended amygdala by a CRF-R1-depende… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2008 Dec 17; 28 (51). 13856-65
Grueter BA , McElligott ZA , Robison AJ , Mathews GC , Winder DG , In vivo metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) antagonism prevents cocaine-induced disruption of… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2008 Sep 10; 28 (37). 9261-70
Davis AR , Shields AD , Brigman JL , Norcross M , McElligott ZA , Holmes A , Winder DG , Yohimbine impairs extinction of cocaine-conditioned place preference in an alpha2-adrenergic recepto… Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 2008 Sep ; 15 (9). 667-76
Healey JC , Winder DG , Kash TL , Chronic ethanol exposure leads to divergent control of dopaminergic synapses in distinct target regi… Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 2008 May ; 42 (3). 179-90
McElligott ZA , Winder DG , Alpha1-adrenergic receptor-induced heterosynaptic long-term depression in the bed nucleus of the str… Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008 Sep ; 33 (10). 2313-23
Olsen CM , Huang Y , Goodwin S , Ciobanu DC , Lu L , Sutter TR , Winder DG , Microarray analysis reveals distinctive signaling between the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, n… Physiological genomics. 2008 Feb 19; 32 (3). 283-98
Kash TL , Matthews RT , Winder DG , Alcohol inhibits NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008 May ; 33 (6). 1379-90


Robison AJ , Winder DG , Colbran RJ , Bartlett RK , Oxidation of calmodulin alters activation and regulation of CaMKII. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2007 Apr 27; 356 (1). 97-101
Grueter BA , McElligott ZA , Winder DG , Group I mGluRs and long-term depression: potential roles in addiction? Molecular neurobiology. 2007 Dec ; 36 (3). 232-44


Deutch AY , Winder DG , A channel to neurodegeneration. Nature medicine. 2006 Jan ; 12 (1). 17-8
Olsen CM , Winder DG , A method for single-session cocaine self-administration in the mouse. Psychopharmacology. 2006 Jul ; 187 (1). 13-21
Grueter BA , Gosnell HB , Olsen CM , Schramm-Sapyta NL , Nekrasova T , Landreth GE , Winder DG , Extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1-dependent metabotropic glutamate receptor 5-induced long-ter… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2006 Mar 22; 26 (12). 3210-9
Vanhoose AM , Clements JM , Winder DG , Novel blockade of protein kinase A-mediated phosphorylation of AMPA receptors. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2006 Jan 25; 26 (4). 1138-45
Schramm-Sapyta NL , Olsen CM , Winder DG , Cocaine self-administration reduces excitatory responses in the mouse nucleus accumbens shell. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2006 Jul ; 31 (7). 1444-51


Grueter BA , Winder DG , Group II and III metabotropic glutamate receptors suppress excitatory synaptic transmission in the d… Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2005 Jul ; 30 (7). 1302-11
Norman ED , Egli RE , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , A potassium channel blocker induces a long-lasting enhancement of corticostriatal responses. Neuropharmacology. 2005 Feb ; 48 (2). 311-21
Egli RE , Kash TL , Choo K , Savchenko V , Matthews RT , Blakely RD , Winder DG , Norepinephrine modulates glutamatergic transmission in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2005 Apr ; 30 (4). 657-68
Weitlauf C , Honse Y , Auberson YP , Mishina M , Lovinger DM , Winder DG , Activation of NR2A-containing NMDA receptors is not obligatory for NMDA receptor-dependent long-term… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2005 Sep 14; 25 (37). 8386-90


Vanhoose AM , Ritchie MD , Winder DG , Regulation of cAMP levels in area CA1 of hippocampus by Gi/o-coupled receptors is stimulus dependent… Neuroscience letters. 2004 Nov 3; 370 (1). 80-3
Weitlauf C , Egli RE , Grueter BA , Winder DG , High-frequency stimulation induces ethanol-sensitive long-term potentiation at glutamatergic synapse… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2004 Jun 23; 24 (25). 5741-7
Matthews RT , Coker O , Winder DG , A novel mouse brain slice preparation of the hippocampo-accumbens pathway. Journal of neuroscience methods. 2004 Aug 15; 137 (1). 49-60
Schramm-Sapyta NL , Pratt AR , Winder DG , Effects of periadolescent versus adult cocaine exposure on cocaine conditioned place preference and … Psychopharmacology. 2004 Apr ; 173 (1-2). 41-8


Morozov A , Muzzio IA , Bourtchouladze R , Van-Strien N , Lapidus K , Yin D , Winder DG , Adams JP , Sweatt JD , Kandel ER , Rap1 couples cAMP signaling to a distinct pool of p42/44MAPK regulating excitability, synaptic plast… Neuron. 2003 Jul 17; 39 (2). 309-25
Vanhoose AM , Winder DG , NMDA and beta1-adrenergic receptors differentially signal phosphorylation of glutamate receptor type… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2003 Jul 2; 23 (13). 5827-34
Egli RE , Winder DG , Dorsal and ventral distribution of excitable and synaptic properties of neurons of the bed nucleus o… Journal of neurophysiology. 2003 Jul ; 90 (1). 405-14


Winder DG , Egli RE , Schramm NL , Matthews RT , Synaptic plasticity in drug reward circuitry. Current molecular medicine. 2002 Nov ; 2 (7). 667-76
Schramm NL , Egli RE , Winder DG , LTP in the mouse nucleus accumbens is developmentally regulated. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). 2002 Sep 15; 45 (4). 213-9
Vanhoose AM , Emery M , Jimenez L , Winder DG , ERK activation by G-protein-coupled receptors in mouse brain is receptor identity-specific. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2002 Mar 15; 277 (11). 9049-53


Winder DG , Schramm NL , Plasticity and behavior: new genetic techniques to address multiple forms and functions. Physiology & behavior. 2001 Aug ; 73 (5). 763-80