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“When we assume someone can make sense,
we assume sense in their making.”
Teo Keifert & VIAL members


The Vanderbilt Interaction Analysis Lab is an ongoing, multi-generational, voluntary activity system run by doctoral students at Vanderbilt University. It has been operating since approximately 2004, and there are related labs created by alumni at multiple other universities. While drawing on principles in Conversation Analysis, Ethnomethodology, and sociolinguistics, VIALab studies typically focus on conceptual practices and teaching found in workplaces, sites for informal learning, and classrooms. VIALab is an open community, nothing bought and nothing sold. It is intended as a welcoming place for discovery.

Fall 2024 Meeting Information

Join us on Zoom or in the in-person room on Fridays from 1-3 pm CT.

No meetings on: 8/30, 10/11, 10/18, and 11/29

Important Links

Keep in Touch

  • View our session schedule on Google Calendar
  • Join the mailing list, request a Google/Outlook calendar invitation, or ask a question by sending us an email at