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The lab welcomes rotation student Lauryn Luderman.

Mar. 2, 2016—First year IGP student Lauryn Luderman is rotating in the Page-McCaw lab for her fourth rotation.  She is using cell culture to examine the trafficking of Dlp after Mmp2 cleavage.  Welcome Lauryn!

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Vandy freshman Dhiraj Peddu joins the lab

Feb. 11, 2016—Dhiraj entered Vanderbilt as a first-year student in August 2015, and he comes from New Jersey.  He started working with grad student Angela Howard his first week on campus.

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The lab is awarded a new R01 from NIGMS to study stem cell and niche signaling.

Feb. 11, 2016—Building on Xiaoxi Wang's beautiful 2014 JCB paper, the new R01 will allow the lab to deepen our studies on Wnt signaling and ovarian stem cells. 

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The lab welcomes rotation student Mabel Seto.

Jan. 6, 2016—IGP student Mabel Seto is doing her 3rd rotation in the Page-McCaw lab.  She is investigating how Mmp2 alters Dlp trafficking in S2 cells.

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Congratulations to Angela Howard on passing her Qualifying Exam!

Aug. 20, 2015—August 20, 2015 – Angela Howard is officially a PhD candidate now that she passed her qualifying exam.  Her committee was comprised of Alissa Weaver (chair), Chin Chiang, Matt Tyska, and Gautam (Jay) Bhave. Congratulations Angela!

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Erica Shannon wins a “Best Short Talk Award”!

Jul. 6, 2015—June 14, 2015 – Erica Shannon won an award for "Emerging Scientist Best Short Talk" at the 19th International Symposium on Calcium Binding Proteins and Calcium Function in Health and Disease."  Erica's talk was entitled, "Calcium Dynamics as a Potential Readout of Mechanotransduction at Epithelial Wounds".  Her award included a $100 prize as well as...

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Xiaoxi Wang gives a talk at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago.

Jun. 15, 2015—February 2015 — Xiaoxi Wang PhD was selected to give a talk at the Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago, as part of the platform session Cell Biology and Signal Transduction. Her talk entitled, “Drosophila Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 mediates long-distance attenuation of follicle stem cell proliferation by cleaving Dlp to inhibit Wg diffusion” will be delivered...

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Andrea is awarded an R21 grant from NIAMS.

Jun. 15, 2015—May 1, 2015 — The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) has awarded Andrea and co-investigator Shane Hutson (Vanderbilt Physics) a two-year R21 grant entitled, “FlpOn: an optogenetic circuit for user-designed mosaics and its application to wound healing”. Graduate student Erica Shannon will be supported on this grant for her work...

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Angela Howard wins a slot on the Stem Cell & Regenerative Developmental Biology training grant.

Jun. 15, 2015—May 22, 2015 — Angela will be a trainee on the SCRDB Training grant, administered by Vanderbilt’s Program in Developmental Biology.

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Congratulations to Andrea on being named a Chancellor Faculty Fellow!

Feb. 17, 2015—Thursday, February 12 2015 — Andrea was named one of 15 Chancellor Faculty Fellows, a new program to recognize mid-career faculty from all schools and departments across Vanderbilt.  Read more about it here.

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