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Kimi recieves the 2024 CDB DEI award!

Apr. 25, 2024—Congratulations to Kimi for receiving the much deserved 2024 CDB DEI award!

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Elkie joins the lab and was awarded the NSF GRFP!

Apr. 17, 2024—Elkie previously worked in the lab as a research assistant for 2 years prior to entering into Vanderbilt’s IGP program. After completing her rotations, we were excited to find out that Elkie decided to return to the Page-McCaw lab to pursue her graduate studies. She was also awarded the NSF GRFP to fund her work...

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Good bye old lab, hello new lab!

Apr. 16, 2024—The Page-McCaw lab is moving from Medical Research Building 3 to the newly designed lab space in the Engineering Science Building! We will be sharing the floor with five other CDB labs, all with a mechanobiology focus. We are excited for the additional collaborations to come!

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James White defends his PhD!

Apr. 16, 2024—On February 7th, 2024, James defended his PhD titled “Analyzing Wound Induced Polyploidy”. His committee consisted of Dr. Irena Kaverina, Dr. Guoqiang Gu, Dr. Jared Nordman, and Dr. Gregor Neuert. Following his defense, a lightsaber battle ensued between Dr. James White and Dr. James O’Connor. Congratulations Dr. White on a successful defense and battle victory!   

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4 new papers available on bioRxiv

Jan. 4, 2024—Four new papers are now available on bioRxiv. Aubrie Stricker, M. Shane Hutson, Andrea Page-McCaw, Piezo initiates transient production of collagen IV to repair damaged basement membranes K. Elkie Peebles, Kimberly S. LaFever, Patrick S. Page-McCaw, Selene Colon, Dan Wang, Aubrie M. Stricker, Nicholas Ferrell, Gautam Bhave, Andrea Page-McCaw, Analysis of Drosophila and mouse mutants reveals that Peroxidasin is required for tissue mechanics and full viability  James S. White, Jasmine J. Su, Elizabeth M. Ruark, Junmin Hua, M. Shane Hutson, Andrea Page-McCaw, Wound-Induced Syncytia Outpace Mononucleate Neighbors during Drosophila Wound...

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Ivy awarded Outstanding Research in Biological Sciences!

May. 12, 2023—Congratulations to our recent graduate, Ivy Han for winning the award for Outstanding Research in Biological Sciences! Ivy is graduating today summa cum laude and we are so proud of her!  

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Seeding Success Grant Awarded!

Apr. 21, 2023—Congratulations to Andrea and Shane who were awarded the Seeding Success Grant on “The role of cellular tension in wound healing”.  

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Indrayani Waghmare to become newest faculty member at UMass Lowell

Apr. 21, 2023—Indrayani Waghmare has accepted a tenure track position as assistant professor at UMass Lowell! Congratulations and best wishes to Indrayani, we will miss you! Visit her lab website here.  

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A new paper in JoVE

May. 16, 2022—James White et al published a new paper in JoVE! This paper demonstrates a reproducible protocol for dissecting and fixing the Drosophila melanogaster pupal notum for antibody and cell staining on new or previously live-imaged samples.  

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James wins an AHA Fellowship!

Jan. 22, 2019—James won a 2-year American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship to support his work on calcium signaling in response to wounds.  Way to go James!

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