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Lab Events and News

  • On June 11, 2024, we had to say goodbye to long-standing lab member Li Peng. Lychee martinis all the way around! We will miss you, Li! Best of luck in your new position!

  • Congrats to Tony and Harrison for passing their Pharmacology qualifying exams!
  • We welcome Neuroscience Graduate Student Niki Harris to the crew! We’re glad you’re here, Niki!
  • We had a great Christmas party at Alice’s house. Thank you for hosting, Alice, and everyone for all the yummy food. And to Elia for her selfie taking abilities!
  • I made my debut at the BRET Winter Showcase with my painting, Pirouette. Oh, and my son was  here too!
  • The NIswender Lab represented at Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Science Day 2023! Vaish, Harrison, and Katie presented their first posters and Xia won best postdoc poster!
  • It was a Niswender Lab Halloween extravaganza! So fun! I was a Molecular Farmacologist, of course! Marc won best costume–guess who he is. 🙂 Also welcome to our rotation students Jackey (the sushi–dude is always talking about food!) and Niki (Kim Possible)!
  • We said goodbye to Kelly Weiss, who is moving on to a new position at Medical College of South Carolina! We will miss you Kelly!
  • Nothing better than an ice cream treat on a hot day for the best team ever! And I feel that I have done them a service in introducing them to the Children’s Hospital Food Court, which some of them didn’t know about (how is this possible? There is a Taco Bell there!). We missed everyone who couldn’t make it! We’ll do it again soon!
  • June 2023-we said goodbye to James Melchior, who is moving on to be a patent examiner, and Haley Kling, who is joining the Cool Springs crew. We will miss both of you!
  • June 2023-Harrison and Tony’s review article in Trends in Pharmacological Sciences has been accepted after only two months in the lab! Way to go, guys!
  • May 2023-Xia’s first author paper on mGlu7 has been published in Molecular Pharmacology!
  • May 2023-Xia’s poster won third place in the Drug Discovery and Development section at ASPET in Saint Louis! Congrats, Xia!
  • April 2023-Geanne’s review article is out!
  • Spring 2023-IGP students Tony Ferranti, Sydney Thompson, and Harrison Parent officially joined the lab! We’re so excited to have you!
  • Spring 2023-We had Isabella Sirit, Montana Young, Sydney Thompson, Harrison Parent, and Claude Albritton rotate with us! Welcome!
  • Fall 2022-We welcomed rotation students Katie Clark and Tony Ferranti to the crew!
  • Summer 2022-Megan Graber and Nada El-Sayed rotated with us!
  • 02/2022-We have two new rotation students starting in the lab! Welcome Kristine Yoon (IGP) and Kiera McRae (IGP)! We are excited you’re here!
  • 01/2022-Colleen was awarded the ASPET Scientific Achievement Award in Drug Discovery and Development! Read more here and come see her talk at the ASPET meeting on April 4, 2022 in Philly!
  • 01/2022-Colleen finally crawled out of the dark ages and made herself a Twitter account (ColleenNiswend2). Follow her and she’ll follow you back! 🙂
  • 12/9/2021-Dr. Sheryl Vermudez graduates with her PhD! Check out the link at right for pictures–way to go, Sheryl!
  • 11/19/2021-We’ve had three great rotation students in the lab so far in the fall semester, Hannah Waterman (QCB), Jaybree Lopez (IGP), and Cody Matthews (IGP). Thanks for being part of the team!
  • 11/12/2021-We said goodbye to Dr. Paige Vinson today as she moves on to her new job as the Director of High Throughput Screening at Southern Research Institute. Best of luck, Paige! We will miss you, but you are gonna do great things! Check out the link at right for pictures!
  • 08/09/2021-Congrats to Dr. Chris Hofmann on his successful defense on August 9, 2021. We will miss you, Chris! Pictures are in the link at right!
  • 07/08-2021-Our mGlu4 RNA editing paper is out! (
  • 05/18/2021-Check out our latest paper in Genes, Brain, and Behavior! (