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The Mass Spectrometry Service Laboratory is supported by Vanderbilt University as an advanced shared instrument facility for the benefit of the local research community.

Our mission is to provide cost effective, state-of-the-art instrumentation to students, fellows and faculty for identification and structural analysis of biological molecules and for qualitative and quantitative assays of drugs and metabolites in physiologic fluids. Our aim is to provide a collegial and cooperative environment in which to do research.

Thus, the facility is operated as an open-access core laboratory in which users are encouraged to run their own samples with the advice and assistance of Core personnel. Low cost service fees are charged at an hourly rate for instrument use. Consultation, collaboration and data interpretation are available as a professional courtesy at no charge.

The senior staff also offers a comprehensive training program covering the theoretical and practical aspects of mass spectrometry, techniques for sample preparation and assistance in data analysis and interpretation. Students and fellows are actively encouraged to learn to use each of the instruments available in the facility.