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Below are selected publications from the Lloyd Lab listed in order of publication date. Click on any reference to learn more about that publication. Asterisks denote student authors.

Pollack, M. S.*, Lloyd, B. P., Crowell, G. E.*, Santini, M. A.*, & Biggs, E. E. (2024). Perspectives of Behavior Analysts and Mental Health Specialists on Collaborating to Support Students with Intensive Intervention Needs. Behavioral Disorders, 0(0).

Pollack, M.S*., Lloyd, B.P., Doyle, L.E.,* Santini, M.A.*, Crowell, G.E.* Are Function-Based Interventions for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders Trauma Informed? A Systematic Review. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).

Torelli, J. N.*, & Lloyd, B. P. (2023). Evaluating functional communication training without extinction in public school settings. Behavioral Interventions, e1995.

Lloyd, B. P., *Torelli, J. N., *Pollack, M. S., & *Weaver, E. S. (2022). Piloting a decision tool to guide individualized hypothesis testing for students with severe and complex challenging behavior. Journal of Behavioral Education.

*Torelli, J. N., Lloyd, B. P., & *Pollack, M. S. (2022). Systematic review of direct behavioral measures to evaluate psychotropic medication effects for children and adolescents with behavioral concerns. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,127(2), 103–124.

Lloyd, B. P., *Torelli, J. N., *Weaver, E. S., *Pollack, M. S., *Fareed, S. A., & Maxwell-Horn, A. C. (2021). Direct measures of medication effects: Exploring the scientific utility of behavior-analytic assessments. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 126(5), 377–395.

*Pollack, M. S., Staubitz, J. L., & Lloyd, B. P. (2021). Effects of intensive coaching on educator implementation of a comprehensive function-based intervention package. Journal of Behavioral Education.

Lloyd, B. P., *Torelli, J. N., & *Pollack, M. S. (2020). Practitioner perspectives on hypothesis testing strategies in the context of functional behavior assessment. Journal of Behavioral Education.

*Staubitz, J. L., Lloyd, B. P., & Reed, D. D. (2020). Effects of self‐control training for elementary students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53(2), 857–874.

Lloyd, B. P., *Randall, K. R., *Weaver, E. S., Staubitz, J. L., & *Parikh, N. (2020). An initial evaluation of a concurrent operant analysis framework to identify reinforcers for work completion. Behavioral Disorders, 45(2), 85–102.

*Weaver, E. S., & Lloyd, B. P. (2019). Randomization tests for single-case designs with rapidly alternating conditions: an analysis of p-values from published experiments. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 42(3), 617–645.

Lloyd, B. P., *Staubitz, J. L., & Tapp, J. T. (2018). A comparison of analysis methods to estimate contingency strength. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 51(3), 738–753.

*Staubitz, J. L., Lloyd, B. P., & Reed, D. D. (2018). A summary of methods for measuring delay discounting in young children. The Psychological Record, 68(2), 239–253.

Lloyd, B. P., *Weaver, E. S., & *Staubitz, J. L. (2017). Embedding a functional analysis of compliance in small group instruction. Behavioral Interventions, 32(4), 427–433.

Lloyd, B. P., *Weaver, E. S., & *Staubitz, J. L. (2017). Classroom-based strategies for incorporating hypothesis testing in functional behavior assessments. Beyond Behavior, 26(2), 48–56.

*Torelli, J. N., Lloyd, B. P., *Diekman, C. A., & Wehby, J. H. (2017). Teaching stimulus control via classwide multiple schedules of reinforcement in public elementary school classrooms. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 19(1), 14–25.

*Staubitz, J. L., & Lloyd, B. P. (2016). Beyond ABC data: A tutorial for measuring contingencies in the classroom. Beyond Behavior, 25(3), 17–26.

Lloyd, B. P., *Torelli, J. N., & Symons, F. J. (2016). Issues in integrating psychotropic and intensive behavioral interventions for students with emotional and behavioral challenges in schools. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 24(3), 148–158.

Lloyd, B. P., *Weaver, E. S., & *Staubitz, J. L. (2016). A review of functional analysis methods conducted in public school classroom settings. Journal of Behavioral Education, 25(3), 324-356.

Lloyd, B. P., Yoder, P. J., Tapp, J., & *Staubitz, J. L. (2016). The relative accuracy and interpretability of five sequential analysis methods: A simulation study. Behavior Research Methods, 48(4), 1482-1491.

Lloyd, B. P., *Finley, C. I., & *Weaver, E. S. (2015). Experimental analysis of stereotypy with applications of nonparametric statistical tests for alternating treatment designs. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 21(4), 212-222.

 Lloyd, B. P., Wehby, J. H., *Weaver, E. S., *Goldman, S. E., *Harvey, M. N., & *Sherlock, D. R. (2015). Implementation and validation of trial-based functional analyses in public elementary school settings. Journal of Behavioral Education, 24(2),167-195.