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Famaye, T., Arastoopour Irgens, G., & Adisa, I.O. (2024). Shifting Roles and Slow Research: Children’s Roles in Participatory Co-Design of Critical Machine Learning Activities and Technologies. Behaviour and Information Technology.

Famaye, T., Bailey, C., Adisa, I.O., & Arastoopour Irgens, G. (2024). “What makes ChatGPT dangerous is also what makes it special”: High-School Student Perspectives on the Integration or Ban of Artificial Intelligence in Educational Contexts. International Journal of Research in Education and Science.


Arastoopour Irgens, G., Hirsch, S., Herro, D., & Madison, M. (2023). Analyzing a teacher and researcher co-design partnership through the lens of communities of practice. Teaching and Teacher Education.

Arastoopour Irgens, G., Herro, D., Adisa, I.O., Abimbade, O., & Fisher, A. (2023). Bop or Flop?: Integrating Music and Data Science in an Elementary Classroom. Journal of Experimental Education.

Adisa, I.O., Thompson, I., Famaye, T., Sistla, D., Bailey, C., Mulholland, K., Fecher, A., Lancaster, C., & Arastoopour Irgens, G. (2023). “S.P.O.T: A Game-Based Application for Fostering Critical ML Literacy Among Children.” International Design for Children Conference (IDC)

Famaye, T., Bailey, C.S., Adisa, I. O., & Arastoopour Irgens, G. (2023). The design of a critical machine learning program for young learners. International Conference of Learning Sciences (ICLS).