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Simulation of nitroxide electron paramagnetic resonance spectra from brownian trajectories and molecular dynamics simulations.


DeSensi SCSusan C , Rangel DP David P , Beth AH Albert H , Lybrand TP Terry P , Hustedt EJ Eric J . Biophysical journal. 2008 5 15; 94(10). 3798-809


A simulated continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of a nitroxide spin label can be obtained from the Fourier transform of a free induction decay. It has been previously shown that the free induction decay can be calculated by solving the time-dependent stochastic Liouville equation for a set of Brownian trajectories defining the rotational dynamics of the label. In this work, a quaternion-based Monte Carlo algorithm has been developed to generate Brownian trajectories describing the global rotational diffusion of a spin-labeled protein. Also, molecular dynamics simulations of two spin-labeled mutants of T4 lysozyme, T4L F153R1, and T4L K65R1 have been used to generate trajectories describing the internal dynamics of the protein and the local dynamics of the spin-label side chain. Trajectories from the molecular dynamics simulations combined with trajectories describing the global rotational diffusion of the protein are used to account for all of the dynamics of a spin-labeled protein. Spectra calculated from these combined trajectories correspond well to the experimental spectra for the buried site T4L F153R1 and the helix surface site T4L K65R1. This work provides a framework to further explore the modeling of the dynamics of the spin-label side chain in the wide variety of labeling environments encountered in site-directed spin labeling studies.

A simulated continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of a nitroxide spin label can be obtained from the Fourier transform of a free induction decay. It has been previously shown that the free induction decay can be calculated by solving the time-dependent stochastic Liouville equation for a set of Brownian trajectories defining the rotational dynamics of the label. In this work, a quaternion-based Monte Carlo algorithm has been developed to generate Brownian trajectories describing the global rotational diffusion of a spin-labeled protein. Also, molecular dynamics simulations of two spin-labeled mutants of T4 lysozyme, T4L F153R1, and T4L K65R1 have been used to generate trajectories describing the internal dynamics of the protein and the local dynamics of the spin-label side chain. Trajectories from the molecular dynamics simulations combined with trajectories describing the global rotational diffusion of the protein are used to account for all of the dynamics of a spin-labeled protein. Spectra calculated from these combined trajectories correspond well to the experimental spectra for the buried site T4L F153R1 and the helix surface site T4L K65R1. This work provides a framework to further explore the modeling of the dynamics of the spin-label side chain in the wide variety of labeling environments encountered in site-directed spin labeling studies.