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DD is a MATLAB program designed to provide a convenient GUI-based tool for analyzing single DEER data sets. DD is based on the original GLADD program that was developed to provide a flexible framework for the global analysis of data from multiple DEER experiments. GLADD is being replaced by GLADDvu, a GUI-based tool for the global analysis of DEER data. The main features of both DD and GLADDvu are:

  • Minimal processing of data occurs prior to fitting,. A priori background correction is not used. Data is fit to a function which includes both the background factor and the intra-object spin interactions.
  • The background factor due to inter-object spin interactions is fit as an exponential, a stretched exponential, or using a model which accounts for excluded volume effects.
  • The distance distribution for the intra-object spin interactions is modeled as a sum of Gaussians or other functions.
  • The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is used for model selection to determine the optimal model.
  • Estimated uncertainties for all fit parameters and for the best‑fit distance distribution are automatically provided.


  • DD Version 7C  (requires MATLAB license, Optimization and Global Optimization Toolboxes are highly recommended) (last updated 4/11/2019)
  • DD Version 7B (requires MATLAB license, Optimization and Global Optimization Toolboxes are highly recommended) (last updated 8/16/2018)
  • DD Version 7 (requires MATLAB license, Optimization and Global Optimization Toolboxes are highly recommended) (last updated 7/22/2018)
  • DD Version 6C (requires MATLAB license) (last updated 07/30/2017)

older versions
