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Impact of macrophage toll-like receptor 4 deficiency on macrophage infiltration into adipose tissue and the artery wall in mice.


Coenen KRK R , Gruen ML M L , Lee-Young RS R S , Puglisi MJ M J , Wasserman DH D H , Hasty AH A H . Diabetologia. 2009 2 ; 52(2). 318-28


Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is a receptor for saturated fatty acids (SFAs), global deficiency of which has been shown to protect against inflammation, insulin resistance and atherosclerotic lesion formation. Because macrophages express Tlr4 and are important in insulin resistance and atherosclerotic lesion formation due to their infiltration of white adipose tissue (WAT) and the artery wall, respectively, we hypothesised that deficiency of macrophage TLR4 could protect against these disorders.