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Lab News

September 2019

Nilay Taneja gave an invited talk at the Program in Developmental Biology retreat!

Abbie Neininger, Hunter Long, and Sophie Baillargeon presents posters at the Program in Developmental Biology retreat.

Hunter Long wins an award for his poster at the annual PDB retreat

Nilay Taneja wins an award for his talk at the annual PDB retreat


August 2019

A collaboration with Vivian Gama’s Lab “MCL-1 inhibition by selective BH3 mimetics disrupts mitochondrial dynamics in iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes” is now on bioRxiv!

Free Manuscript


July 2019

Abbie Neininger presents a poster at the AHA Basic Cardiovascular Sciences annual meeting!

Dylan Burnette presents a poster at the AHA Basic Cardiovascular Sciences annual meeting!

Abbie Neininger wins the Vanderbilt Dean’s Award for Exceptional Achievement!


May 2019

IGP graduate student James Hayes joins the lab!

Abbie Neininger presents a platform presentation at the CDB retreat

Nilay Taneja presents a poster at the CDB retreat

Our manuscript, “Precise tuning of cortical contractility regulates cell shape during cytokinesis” is now on bioRxiv!

Free Manuscript


April 2019

Dylan Burnette- paper in Cell!

Aidan Fenix- second author paper in Cell!

Dylan Burnette- middle author paper in Journal of Cell Science!

Aidan Fenix- middle author paper in Journal of Cell Science!


February 2019

Nilay Taneja- first author paper in Molecular Biology of the Cell!

Dylan Burnette- corresponding author paper in Molecular Biology of the Cell!


January 2019

Nilay Taneja’s micrograph is chosen for Vanderbilt’s ArtLab 2019 Exhibition!


December 2018

Abbie Neininger presents a poster at the ASCB/EMBO annual meeting!

Aidan Fenix presents an invited talk at the ASCB/EMBO annual meeting!

Aidan Fenix- first author publication in eLife!

Abbie Neininger- middle author publication in eLife!

Nilay Taneja- middle author publication in eLife!

Karren Hyde- middle author publication in eLife!

Dylan Burnette- corresponding author publication in eLife!

Aidan Fenix- middle authorship publication in Current Biology!

Dylan Burnette- middle authorship publication in Current Biology!


October 2018

Aidan Fenix, PhD defends his thesis!

Dr. Aidan Fenix joins the lab of Charles Murry at the University of Washington for his postdoc!


September 2018

Nilay Taneja- first authorship on an invited review in Current Opinion in Cell Biology!

Dylan Burnette- corresponding authorship on an invited review in Current Opinion in Cell Biology!

Abbie Neininger- middle author on a paper in Current Biology!

Abbie Neininger gave an invited talk at the Program in Developmental Biology retreat!

Nilay Taneja presents a poster at the Program in Developmental Biology retreat.

Abbie Neininger won the award for best student talk at the Program in Developmental Biology retreat!

Nilay Taneja wins 11th place in the Nikon Small World microscopy competition!

Aidan Fenix gets an image of distinction in the Nikon Small World microscopy competition!

Aidan Fenix gives an invited talk at the Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC


August 2018

Dylan Burnette- middle author publication in Developmental Cell!

Aidan Fenix- first author publication on a comment in Cytoskeleton!

Dylan Burnette- corresponding author publication on a comment in Cytoskeleton!


July 2018

Nilay Taneja presents a poster at the Motors Gordon Research Conference


May 2018

Abbie Neininger passes her qualifying exam!

Abbie Neininger presents a poster at the CDB retreat

Nilay Taneja presents a poster at the CDB retreat

Abbie Neininger presents a poster at the Cell Dynamics Symposium

Nilay Taneja presents a poster at the Cell Dynamics Symposium

Aidan Fenix presents a poster at the Cell Dynamics Symposium

Abbie Neininger won a poster award at the Cell Dynamics Symposium!

Aidan Fenix- middle author publication in Scientific Reports!

Dylan Burnette- middle author publication in Scientific Reports!

Nilay Taneja wins a prize in the Stem Cellfie contest from Stem Cells Technologies!

Abbie Neininger wins first place in the CDB scientific image contest!

Nilay Taneja wins first place in the CDB scientific video contest!

Jimmy Cooper will be attending the University of Florida College of Medicine to become a MD in the fall!

Dylan gives an invited seminar at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


April 2018

Nilay Taneja receives a graduate student fellowship from the American Heart Association!


March 2018

Aidan Fenix has been accepted into the Physiology course at the Marine Biological Laboratories in Woods Hole, MA!


February 2018

Our manuscript “Focal adhesion kinase regulates early steps of myofibrillogenesis in cardiomyocytes” is now on bioRxiv!

Free Manuscript


Dylan Burnette presents an invited seminar at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


January 2018

Aidan Fenix presents an invited seminar at Rockefeller University.

Aidan Fenix presents an invited seminar at the University of Washington.

Welcome rotation student Justin Lopez to the lab!


December 2017

Our manuscript, “Muscle specific stress fibers give rise to sarcomeres and are mechanistically distinct from stress fibers in non-muscle cells” is now on bioRxiv! Free Manuscript

Nilay Taneja presents a talk at the ASCB/EMBO annual meeting.

Aidan Fenix presents a talk at the ASCB/EMBO annual meeting.

Nilay Taneja, Aidan Fenix and Abbie Neininger present posters at the ASCB/EMBO annual meeting.


September 2017

Dylan Burnette wins 19th place in the Nikon Small World Contest

Nilay Taneja wins an Image of Distinction Award from the Nikon Small World Contest

Abbie Neininger and Nilay Taneja present posters at the annual PDB retreat

Aidan Fenix presents a platform presentation at the annual PDB retreat

Abbie Neininger wins an award for her poster at the annual PDB retreat

Aidan Fenix wins an award for his talk at the annual PDB retreat

August 2017

Dylan Burnette receives a MIRA (R35) grant from NIGMS!


May 2017

Abbie Neininger gets a training grant from the Program in Developmental Biology!


April 2017

IGP graduate student Abbie Neininger joins the lab!


March 2017

Welcome rotation students Colbie Chinowsky and Abbie Neininger!


January 2017

Dylan Burnette receives a Scientist Development Grant from the American Heart Association (Association wide)!


December 2016

Aidan Fenix receives a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (F31) from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute!

Nilay Taneja presents a talk at the New Insights into the Cell Division Mechanisms Microsymposium at the annual ASCB meeting in San Francisco, CA.

Aidan Fenix presents a poster at the annual ASCB meeting in San Francisco, CA

Nilay Taneja presents a poster at the annual ASCB meeting in San Francisco, CA


October 2016

Dylan Burnette gives an invited seminar at the SUNY Upstate Medical School.

Dylan Burnette wins 12th place in the Nikon Small World Photomicrography contest.

September 2016

Nilay Taneja wins 2nd best oral presentation by an graduate student at the annual PDB retreat

Nilay Taneja presents an invited talk at the annual PDB retreat.

Dylan Burnette gives an invited seminar at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


August 2016

Nilay Taneja chosen to give a Micro-symposium presentation at the annual ASCB meeting in San Francisco.


July 2016

Dylan Burnette presents a poster at the Muscle and Motors Gordon Research Conference

Nilay Taneja- first author publication in Scientific Reports!

Aidan Fenix- second author publication in Scientific Reports!

Dylan Burnette- corresponding author publication in Scientific Reports!

June 2016

Aidan Fenix receives a graduate student fellowship from the American Heart Association!

Nilay Taneja presents a poster at the Cell Dynamics Symposium at Vanderbilt

Aidan Fenix presents a poster at the Cell Dynamics Symposium at Vanderbilt.


May 2016

Nilay Taneja passes his Qualifying Exam

Aidan Fenix presents a poster at the CDB retreat

Nilay Taneja presents a poster at the CDB retreat

Aidan Fenix wins CDB retreat’s Image Contest


March 2016

Aidan Fenix- first author publication in Molecular Biology of Cell!

Nilay Taneja- second author publication in Molecular Biology of Cell!

Dylan Burnette- corresponding author publication in Molecular Biology of the Cell!

February 2016

Dylan Burnette presents an invited seminar at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI


December 2015

Nilay Taneja presents his first poster at the annual ASCB meeting in San Diego, CA

Aidan Fenix presents a poster at the annual ASCB meeting in San Diego, CA


November 2015

Aidan Fenix presents at the CDB Research Exchange


September 2015

Welcome to rotation student Veronica Farmer

Nilay wins 2nd best poster presented by a graduate student at the PDB retreat

Aidan Fenix wins 2nd best oral presentation presented by a graduate student at the PDB retreat

Nilay presents a poster at the PDB retreat

Aidan Fenix presents an invited talk at the PDB retreat

Dylan Burnette presents an invited talk at the PDB retreat


August 2015

Aidan Fenix passes his qualifying exam


June 2015

VISP graduate student Nilay Taneja joins the lab!

Dylan Burnette presents the RCR seminar for the Molecular Biophysics Training Program


May 2015

Dylan Burnette presents at the Epithelial Biology Center Symposium


April 2015

Dylan Burnette presents an invited seminar at Cold Spring Harbor

Aidan Fenix and Dylan Burnette publish a Comment in The Journal of Cell Biology

March 2015

Welcome rotation student Andrea Cuentas Condori


December 2014

Aidan Fenix presents his first poster at the annual ASCB meeting in Philadelphia


October 2014

Dylan Burnette presents an invited seminar at the University of Georgia, Athens


September 2014

Welcome to rotation student Nilay Taneja


June 2014

IGP student Aidan Fenix joins the lab!

Aidan Fenix receives a training grant from the Molecular Biophysics training program

Dylan Burnette presents an invited talk at the Adhesion Signaling Gordon Research Conference


March 2014

Welcome to rotation student Aidan Fenix


February 2014

The Burnette lab begins!