Supporting students in applying effective learning/study strategies through different instructional techniques
How can we efficiently teach students to use more effective learning/study strategies that lead to robust and transferable knowledge? We propose that it entails more than learning about the strategies . It also requires identifying ways to help motivate students to employ those strategies (Zepeda et al., 2020). To build upon this work, we are working on a set of studies that focuses on identifying ways to teach students how to employ effective learning/study strategies and examining whether particular learning/study strategies result in different motivations to learn.
The Goal
To support students in using more effective learning strategies.
The Application
Do you want to help your students improve their approaches to how they study and learn the material in your courses? There is an emerging literature on the science of learning, but sometimes the classroom implementation of those principles is unclear. In this work, we investigate how to use that literature in ways that are accessible and easy to implement in classroom contexts.
Have you ever learned how to learn? Often we are left to figure out that process on our own. With this research, we will use what we know from prior research to develop and test materials that support you in figuring out how to learn best.
We are currently designing and testing materials.