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Welcome to the MELD (Multisensory Environments in Longitudinal Development) Consortium.

Meet the team.

See the current projects.

Read the representative publications.

We live in a multisensory world—continually bombarded with stimuli from multiple senses. As such, one of the major jobs of the human brain is to make sense of this sensory mélange, integrating information that belongs together and segregating information that does not. We know having information from multiple senses can dramatically improve performance in a host of domains, including detecting, discriminating, and localizing objects and events. These benefits are far less well characterized in the context of the developing brain.

This gap represents a tremendous knowledge void in our understanding of human development. The work to be carried out by the consortium seeks to fill this void, and would not only hold enormous basic significance in being the first true longitudinal characterization of multisensory development, but would also have great significance in the applied, clinical, and educational arenas.

The consortium is supported through a generous, unrestricted gift provided by Reality Labs Research, a division of Meta.

This website will be updated as the consortium’s projects progress. MELD publications will be added as the consortium’s projects progress.