Our collaborative work with the Zhu lab and the Chazin lab has been published in Cell Metabolism!
Nov. 6, 2023—
Our review on the development of Mutexa, a virtual assistant for protein engineering, is online! This work will be featured as a front cover art for the upcoming issue of Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.
Nov. 6, 2023—
John gave an oral presentation about the group’s development of high-throughput computational protein engineering tool Mutexa at Gordon Research Conference at Protein Engineering!
Aug. 20, 2023—John gave an oral presentation about the group’s development of high-throughput computational protein engineering tool Mutexa at Gordon Research Conference at Protein Engineering!
Chris Jurich’s first paper on Protein Science has been published!
Jul. 2, 2023—
Paul was invited to be an early career reviewer for protein science
Jul. 2, 2023—
Congratulations to Kieran Nehil-Puleo for being selected for the NSF GRFP fellowship.
Apr. 2, 2023—The National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) is a highly competitive fellowship program that provides financial support for graduate students pursuing research-based Master’s or Ph.D. degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, as well as in social sciences, including psychology, and STEM education research. The program offers three years of...