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Venters Lab Publications


Pugh BF , Venters BJ , Genomic Organization of Human Transcription Initiation Complexes. PloS one. 2016 ; 11 (2). e0149339
Zhao Y , Liu Q , Acharya P , Stengel KR , Sheng Q , Zhou X , Kwak H , Fischer MA , Bradner JE , Strickland SA , Mohan SR , Savona MR , Venters BJ , Zhou MM , Lis JT , Hiebert SW , High-Resolution Mapping of RNA Polymerases Identifies Mechanisms of Sensitivity and Resistance to BE… Cell reports. 2016 Aug 16; 16 (7). 2003-16
Perreault AA , Benton ML , Koury MJ , Brandt SJ , Venters BJ , Epo reprograms the epigenome of erythroid cells 2016 Aug 17; Submitted
Perreault AA , Venters BJ , The ChIP-exo method: identifying protein-DNA interactions with near base pair precision Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2016 Aug 1; Accepted
Zhao Z , Liu Q , Acharya P , Stengel KR , Sheng Q , Zhou X , Kwak H , Fischer M , Bradner JE , Strickland SA , Mohan SR , Savona MR , Venters BJ , Zhou M , Lis JT , Hiebert SW , High Resolution Mapping of RNA Polymerases Identifies Mechanisms of Sensitivity and Resistance to BE… Cell Reports. 2016 Jul ; In press
Marshall CB , Mays DJ , Beeler JS , Rosenbluth JM , Boyd KL , Santos Guasch GL , Shaver TM , Tang LJ , Liu Q , Shyr Y , Venters BJ , Magnuson MA , Pietenpol JA , p73 Is Required for Multiciliogenesis and Regulates the Foxj1-Associated Gene Network. Cell reports. 2016 Mar 15; 14 (10). 2289-300


Venters BJ , Pugh BF , Retraction: Genomic organization of human transcription initiation complexes. Nature. 2014 Sep 18; 513 (7518). 444


Venters BJ , Pugh BF , Genomic organization of human transcription initiation complexes. Nature. 2013 Oct 3; 502 (7469). 53-8


Venters BJ , Wachi S , Mavrich TN , Andersen BE , Jena P , Sinnamon AJ , Jain P , Rolleri NS , Jiang C , Hemeryck-Walsh C , Pugh BF , A comprehensive genomic binding map of gene and chromatin regulatory proteins in Saccharomyces. Molecular cell. 2011 Feb 18; 41 (4). 480-92
Venters BJ , Irvin JD , Gramlich P , Pugh BF , Genome-wide transcriptional dependence on conserved regions of Mot1. Molecular and cellular biology. 2011 Jun ; 31 (11). 2253-61


Venters BJ , Pugh BF , How eukaryotic genes are transcribed. Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology. 2009 Jun ; 44 (2-3). 117-41


Mavrich TN , Ioshikhes IP , Venters BJ , Jiang C , Tomsho LP , Qi J , Schuster SC , Albert I , Pugh BF , A barrier nucleosome model for statistical positioning of nucleosomes throughout the yeast genome. Genome research. 2008 Jul ; 18 (7). 1073-83
Yao H , Li P , Venters BJ , Zheng S , Thompson PR , Pugh BF , Wang Y , Histone Arg modifications and p53 regulate the expression of OKL38, a mediator of apoptosis. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2008 Jul 18; 283 (29). 20060-8
Mavrich TN , Jiang C , Ioshikhes IP , Li X , Venters BJ , Zanton SJ , Tomsho LP , Qi J , Glaser RL , Schuster SC , Gilmour DS , Albert I , Pugh BF , Nucleosome organization in the Drosophila genome. Nature. 2008 May 15; 453 (7193). 358-62
Lee C , Li X , Hechmer A , Eisen M , Biggin MD , Venters BJ , Jiang C , Li J , Pugh BF , Gilmour DS , NELF and GAGA factor are linked to promoter-proximal pausing at many genes in Drosophila. Molecular and cellular biology. 2008 May ; 28 (10). 3290-300


Venters BJ , Pugh BF , Chromatin meets RNA polymerase II. Genome biology. 2007 ; 8 (11). 319
Cheng L , Naumann TA , Horswill AR , Hong SJ , Venters BJ , Tomsho JW , Benkovic SJ , Keiler KC , Discovery of antibacterial cyclic peptides that inhibit the ClpXP protease. Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society. 2007 Aug ; 16 (8). 1535-42
Lessner FH , Venters BJ , Keiler KC , Proteolytic adaptor for transfer-messenger RNA-tagged proteins from alpha-proteobacteria. Journal of bacteriology. 2007 Jan ; 189 (1). 272-5