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Synthesis, SAR and unanticipated pharmacological profiles of analogues of the mGluR5 ago-potentiator ADX-47273.


Engers DWDarren W , Rodriguez AL Alice L , Williams R Richard , Hammond AS Alexis S , Venable D Daryl , Oluwatola O Oluwatomi , Sulikowski GA Gary A , Conn PJ P Jeffrey , Lindsley CW Craig W . ChemMedChem. 2009 4 ; 4(4). 505-11


An iterative analogue library synthesis strategy rapidly developed comprehensive SAR for the mGluR5 ago-potentiator ADX-47273. This effort identified key substituents in the 3-position of oxadiazole that engendered either mGluR5 ago-potentiation or pure mGluR5 positive allosteric modulation. The mGluR5 positive allosteric modulators identified possessed the largest fold shifts (up to 27.9-fold) of the glutamate CRC reported to date as well as providing improved physiochemical properties.

An iterative analogue library synthesis strategy rapidly developed comprehensive SAR for the mGluR5 ago-potentiator ADX-47273. This effort identified key substituents in the 3-position of oxadiazole that engendered either mGluR5 ago-potentiation or pure mGluR5 positive allosteric modulation. The mGluR5 positive allosteric modulators identified possessed the largest fold shifts (up to 27.9-fold) of the glutamate CRC reported to date as well as providing improved physiochemical properties.