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Robot-mediated Intervention Research Featured on ABC News!

Mar. 31, 2017—Robot-mediated social skills intervention for children with autism is an area of research pioneered by RASL director Nilanjan Sarkar and Zachary Warren, executive director of the Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD). Their recent work on this topic was featured on ABC News this morning. See the full article here.

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RASL Driving Simulator for Autism Research Featured on NBC News

Jul. 20, 2016—One of RASL’s ongoing projects was featured nationwide on NBC News this week. See the local coverage here, and Vandy Research News’s coverage below.   This work has also been recognized by Autism Speaks (video above) and is discussed in detail in several publications: A Gaze-Contingent Adaptive Virtual Reality Driving Environment for Intervention in Individuals with Autism Spectrum...

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Continued Media Exposure for RASL Research

Aug. 19, 2016—Vanderbilt Research News recently published an article on some of the autism intervention research going on at RASL. This story was also picked up by NBC News and broadcast nationally. Now the story has gained further exposure through the National Science Foundation’s Science360 News (video above) and through online web magazine STAT News here.

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