Team Bromide’s paper is published in Cell
Jun. 5, 2014—Scott McCall and colleagues paper entitled, "Bromine Is an Essential Trace Element for Assembly of Collagen IV Scaffolds in Tissue Development and Architecture" was published in Cell. The study found that the element bromine, previously thought not to be essential for life, is in fact essential in mediating crosslinking of the basement membrane. The Page-McCaw lab contributed by...
Xiaoxi Wang gives CDB retreat talk
May. 9, 2014—May 5 2014 — Xiaoxi Wang gave a great talk at Cell and Developmental Biology retreat on her work on Mmp2 regulating follicle stem cells in the ovary.
QCB student Angela Howard joins the lab
May. 3, 2014—May, 2014 — Angela Howard joined the Page-McCaw lab as a first year graduate student, coming to Vanderbilt through the Quantitative and Chemical Biology program. Welcome Angela!
Graduate student Will Ramos-Lewis joins the lab
Mar. 1, 2014—March, 2014 — Will Ramos-Lewis joined the Page-McCaw lab as a graduate student. Welcome Will!
Erica Shannon wins a spot on the IBSTO Training Grant
May. 26, 2013—May, 2013 — Erica Shannon was awarded a spot on the Integrated Biological Sciences Training in Oncology (IBSTO) NIH T32 training grant. Congratulations Erica!