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Andrea is awarded an R21 grant from NIAMS.

Jun. 15, 2015—May 1, 2015 — The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) has awarded Andrea and co-investigator Shane Hutson (Vanderbilt Physics) a two-year R21 grant entitled, “FlpOn: an optogenetic circuit for user-designed mosaics and its application to wound healing”. Graduate student Erica Shannon will be supported on this grant for her work...

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Angela Howard wins a slot on the Stem Cell & Regenerative Developmental Biology training grant.

Jun. 15, 2015—May 22, 2015 — Angela will be a trainee on the SCRDB Training grant, administered by Vanderbilt’s Program in Developmental Biology.

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Xiaoxi Wang gives a talk at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago.

Jun. 15, 2015—February 2015 — Xiaoxi Wang PhD was selected to give a talk at the Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago, as part of the platform session Cell Biology and Signal Transduction. Her talk entitled, “Drosophila Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 mediates long-distance attenuation of follicle stem cell proliferation by cleaving Dlp to inhibit Wg diffusion” will be delivered...

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Congratulations to Andrea on being named a Chancellor Faculty Fellow!

Feb. 17, 2015—Thursday, February 12 2015 — Andrea was named one of 15 Chancellor Faculty Fellows, a new program to recognize mid-career faculty from all schools and departments across Vanderbilt.  Read more about it here.

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The Page-McCaw lab welcomes rotation student Karrie Dudek.

Jan. 21, 2015—January 5, 2015 — First year IGP student Karrie Dudek started her 3rd rotation in the Page-McCaw lab. Welcome Karrie!

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Congratulations to Will Ramos-Lewis on passing his qualifying exam!

Nov. 10, 2014—November 10, 2014 — Will Ramos-Lewis is now officially a PhD candidate in the Dept. of Cell and Developmental Biology.  He was examined by a committee composed of Chris Wright (chair), Jeffrey Davis, Heinrich Matthies, and Gautam Bhave, who found him qualified to persue a PhD.  Congrats Will!  (Photo left to right: Erica, Will, Kimi, Angela,...

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Erica Shannon is selected for a science policy program in Washington DC.

Sep. 30, 2014—October 16, 2014 — This October Erica Shannon attended a 2-day Federal STEM Policy and Advocacy Externship sponsored by Vanderbilt's ASPIRE program. During this externship students networked with professionals in the Executive and Legislative branches of government to learn how science policy is made.  You can read the Vanderbilt news article here.  Congratulations Erica!

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JCB publishes Xiaoxi Wang’s paper with an accompanying commentary by Norbert Perrimon

Sep. 29, 2014—September 29, 2014 — Xiaoxi Wang's paper "A matrix metalloproteinase mediates long-distance attenuation of stem-cell proliferation" was published today in The Journal of Cell Biology.  We are honored that JCB asked Norbert Perrimon and colleagues to write an accompanying opinion piece, which can be found here.

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Xiaoxi’s paper is accepted into The Journal of Cell Biology

Sep. 5, 2014—August 27, 2014  The Journal of Cell Biology accepted for publication the article, "A matrix metalloproteinase mediates long-distance attenuation of stem-cell proliferation" by Xiaoxi Wang and Andrea Page-McCaw.  The paper finds a novel mechanism regulating the long-distance spreading of Wingless protein to regulate stem cell proliferation.  In the fly ovary, Wingless is made by cells at the anterior...

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Erica Shannon passes her qualifying exam

Jul. 23, 2014—July 10, 2014 — Graduate student Erica Shannon passed her qualifying exam.  Her examiners were Irina Kaverina, Chin Chiang, Jeff Davidson, and Ian Macara.  Here is Erica (right) relaxing with a beer after it is over.

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