Lab News Category
Xiaoxi’s paper is accepted into Development
May. 1, 2018—“Wnt6 maintains anterior escort cells as an integral component of the germline stem cell niche”, a paper by Xiaoxi Wang and Andrea Page-McCaw, describes a new cellular component of the germline stem cell niche — the anterior escort cells. These cells are maintained by a Wnt6 signal emanating from other niche cells, the cap cells,...
Indrayani publishes a review in Genes
May. 1, 2018—Postdoc Indrayani Waghmare published a mini-reivew on Wnt signaling in the Drosophila germarium. This review was badly needed in the field! (February, 2018)
Will publishes a review on basement membrane remodeling in Matrix Biology
May. 1, 2018—Graduate student Will Ramos-Lewis published a mini-review, “Basement membrane mechanics shape development: Lessons from the fly”, discussing the slew of recent papers analyzing basement membranes in Drosophila. Strong work, Will!
James wins a Silver Medal at the ARDC Science Slam!
May. 1, 2018—James read his poem written from the perspective of a guard atop a fort's watchtower, needing to light the signal pyres in response to a breach in the wall. Woot!