James wins a Silver Medal at the ARDC Science Slam!
May. 1, 2018—James read his poem written from the perspective of a guard atop a fort's watchtower, needing to light the signal pyres in response to a breach in the wall. Woot!
Page-McCaw lab goes to Philadrosophila – the Fly Meeting in Philly.
May. 1, 2018—Angela Howard, Indrayani Waghmare, James O'Connor, and Andrea represented the lab in force at the fly meeting. Angela, Indrayani and James presented posters, James presented a talk at the Developmental Mechanics Workshop (and read what was Tweeted about it!), Andrea co-chaired the two Cell Biology platform sessions, and Erica Shannon was recognized as the Runner-Up for the...
Will publishes a review on basement membrane remodeling in Matrix Biology
May. 1, 2018—Graduate student Will Ramos-Lewis published a mini-review, “Basement membrane mechanics shape development: Lessons from the fly”, discussing the slew of recent papers analyzing basement membranes in Drosophila. Strong work, Will!
Indrayani publishes a review in Genes
May. 1, 2018—Postdoc Indrayani Waghmare published a mini-reivew on Wnt signaling in the Drosophila germarium. This review was badly needed in the field! (February, 2018)
Xiaoxi’s paper is accepted into Development
May. 1, 2018—“Wnt6 maintains anterior escort cells as an integral component of the germline stem cell niche”, a paper by Xiaoxi Wang and Andrea Page-McCaw, describes a new cellular component of the germline stem cell niche — the anterior escort cells. These cells are maintained by a Wnt6 signal emanating from other niche cells, the cap cells,...
Hutson and Page-McCaw labs publish article in Biophysical Journal.
Oct. 5, 2017—Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 The article, entitled “Multiple Mechanisms Drive Calcium Signal Dynamics around Laser-Induced Epithelial, Wounds”, describes how different types of cell and tissue damage result in different mechanisms of signaling to the neighboring healthy cells. Cells in the center of the wound die immediately, and these...
Watch the Vanderbilt news video on our recent paper!
Oct. 5, 2017—Click the image to see the video– The rest of the press release is available here.
A new R21 to study basement membrane repair
May. 1, 2017—NIAMS has awarded the Page-McCaw lab a new, 2-year R21 grant to study how basement membrane is repaired after damage. The lab has developed a new model of basement membrane injury, analyzing the basement membrane around the gut after feeding adult animals the noxious agent DSS. Graduate student Angela Howard is leading this work, and has documented...
James O’Connor joins the lab – and wins a PDB training grant slot!
Apr. 30, 2017—James O'Connor, who entered Vanderbilt through the Quantitative and Chemical Biology (QCB) Program, joined the Page-McCaw lab in April 2017. He won a competitive spot on the Program in Developmental Biology Training grant, supporting his studies for two years. He is working on early cellular responses to epithelial damage, a collaborative project with Shane Hutson's lab...