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Ryan Anderson joins us for the Summer!

Jun. 5, 2024—Ryan Anderson is a part of the Aspirnaut Program and will be working with us this summer! He is currently an undergraduate at Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach Florida majoring in Biology, pre-med. He hopes to become an anesthesiologist. In his free time, he enjoys listening to music and playing/watching water sports. Welcome to the...

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Kimi recieves the 2024 CDB DEI award!

Apr. 25, 2024—Congratulations to Kimi for receiving the much deserved 2024 CDB DEI award!

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Elkie joins the lab and was awarded the NSF GRFP!

Apr. 17, 2024—Elkie previously worked in the lab as a research assistant for 2 years prior to entering into Vanderbilt’s IGP program. After completing her rotations, we were excited to find out that Elkie decided to return to the Page-McCaw lab to pursue her graduate studies. She was also awarded the NSF GRFP to fund her work...

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Good bye old lab, hello new lab!

Apr. 16, 2024—The Page-McCaw lab is moving from Medical Research Building 3 to the newly designed lab space in the Engineering Science Building! We will be sharing the floor with five other CDB labs, all with a mechanobiology focus. We are excited for the additional collaborations to come!

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James White defends his PhD!

Apr. 16, 2024—On February 7th, 2024, James defended his PhD titled “Analyzing Wound Induced Polyploidy”. His committee consisted of Dr. Irena Kaverina, Dr. Guoqiang Gu, Dr. Jared Nordman, and Dr. Gregor Neuert. Following his defense, a lightsaber battle ensued between Dr. James White and Dr. James O’Connor. Congratulations Dr. White on a successful defense and battle victory!   

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Indrayani had a baby!

Apr. 2, 2022—Indrayani and Will welcomed Lily (6lbs 14oz, 19 inches) on March 20th, 2022! Everyone is doing well! Congratulations!       

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Congratulations to Dr. James O’Connor on his thesis defense!

Feb. 8, 2022—On Friday, January 28, 2022, James O’Connor presented his work titled, “A Protease-initiated Model of Wound Detection.” He gave an excellent presentation, and everyone loved his movies. His committee comprised of Dr. Matthew Tyska, Dr. Ian Macara, Dr. Jared Nordman, and Dr. M. Shane Hutson, approved his thesis with no corrections! Congratulations, Dr. O’Connor!

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A review article in the Journal of Cell Science

Feb. 8, 2022—Indrayani published a review in the Journal of Cell Science summarizing glypican-mediated Wnt distribution. In this review, we summarize, critique, and provide revisions to all the reported models of Wnt distribution. We especially focus on glypican-mediated mechanisms, which primarily establish Wnt gradients in vivo. An up-to-date summary of seminal studies on how glypicans spread extracellular Wnts...

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Indrayani recieved a K99!

Jan. 9, 2022—Indrayani received a K99 award from the NIGMS to study mechanisms of Wg/Wnt regulation by glypican Dlp (01/22-12/23). The award funds research where she will integrate the Drosophila genetic tools with biochemical, proteomic, and imaging approaches to investigate how Dlp-mediated regulation of Wnt signaling is affected by proteolytic cleavage of Dlp my Matrix Metalloprotease2 (Mmp2) in developmental...

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Kimi had a baby!

Jan. 8, 2022—Congratulations to Kimi and Zach as they welcomed Sophie on December 4th, 2021! Everyone is doing well!

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