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Posted by on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 in Uncategorized.

PhoneIoT is a free mobile app for iOS and Android that allows you to connect your device to NetsBlox and access its sensors and display from your NetsBlox projects. This enables students to create things like tilting controls for a game (accelerometer), tracking your device’s position on a map (location), or creating an orientation-aware system like a compass (orientation), all from within NetsBlox. The customizable display allows users to populate the device’s screen with controls like labels, buttons, joysticks, image displays, and more. Custom controls can even be configured to send a message to your NetsBlox project when a user interacts with them, such as pressing a button or moving a joystick.

PhoneIoT PI

Akos Ledeczi
Professor, Computer Science

PhoneIoT Personnel

Devin Jean
PhD Student, Computer Science

Core Publications

D Jean, B Broll, G Stein, Á Lédecz. Utilizing Smartphones for Approachable IoT Education in K-12. i Sensors 22 (24), 9778

Funding Sources
