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Past Publications

Below is a list of selected publications written by the Ledford Lab Team and their collaborators (like Lambert Lab and Lane Lab). Student members are designated with an asterisk. We divided publications by those related to systematic instruction, feeding, imitation, measurement and research design, and stay-play-talk and peer-related interventions.

Some publications are linked to freely available pre-prints. If you cannot access a publication below and would like to read a study, let us know via email!

Asterisks represent student authors.

Systematic Instruction

*Chazin, K. T., & Ledford, J. R. (2021). Constant time delay and system of least prompts: Efficiency and child preference. Journal of Behavioral Education.

*Bennett, B. P., & Ledford, J. R. (under review). What works for whom and under what conditions? A systematic review of the use of time delay procedures.

Ledford, J. R., *Chazin, K. T., *Gagnon, K., *Lord, A., *Turner, V. R., & Zimmerman, K. N. (2020). A systematic review of instructional comparisons in single case research. Remedial and Special Education

Ledford, J. R., *Chazin, K. T., *Harbin, E. R., & *Ward, S. R. (2017). Massed trials versus trials embedded into game play: Child outcomes and preference. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 37, 107-120. doi: 10.1177/0271121417704703


Ledford, J. R. & *Windsor, S. A. (2022). A systematic review of interventions designed to improve imitation for children with disabilities. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 42(2), 202-214.

*Sweeney, E., Barton, E. E., & Ledford, J. R. (2020). Using progressive time delay to increase levels of peer imitation during sculpting play. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10803-018-3638-2

Barton, E. E., & Ledford, J. R. (2018). The effects of reinforcement on peer imitation in a small group play context. Journal of Early Intervention, 40, 69-86. doi: 10.1177/1053815117748409

Measurement and Research Design

Chow, J., Ledford, J. R., *Windsor, S. A., & *Bennett, B. P. (2022). Empirically derived single-case design effect size benchmarks for engagement and challenging behavior in early childhood research. Under review

Ledford, J. R., & Zimmerman, K. N. (2022). Rethinking rigor in multiple baseline and multiple probe designs. Remedial and Special Education.

Ledford, J. R., Lambert, J. M., Pustejovsky, J., Zimmerman, K. N., Hollins, N., & Barton, E. E. (2022). Single case design in special education research: Significance, standards, and unresolved issues. Exceptional Children. Pre-print available for free:

Ledford, J. R., Lambert, J. M., Barton, E. E., & Ayres, K. A. (2021). The evidence base for autism interventions: A call to improve practice conceptualization and synthesis. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 36(3), 135-147.

*Cunningham, J., *Zimmerman, K. N., Ledford, J. R., & Kaiser, A. P. (2019). Comparison of measurement systems for collecting teacher language data in early childhood settings. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 49, 164-174. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.06.008

Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., *Severini, K. E., *Zimmerman, K. N., & *Pokorski, E. (2019). Visual display of graphic data in single case design studies: Systematic review and expert preference analysis. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 54, 315-327.

Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., *Severini, K. E., & *Zimmerman, K. N. (2019). A primer on single case designs: Contemporary use and analysis. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 124, 35-56. doi: 10.1352/1944-7558-124.1.35

Ledford, J. R. (2018). No randomization? No problem. Experimental control and random assignment in single case research. American Journal of Evaluation, 39, 71-90. doi: 10.1177/1098214017723110

Yoder, P. J., Ledford, J. R., *Harbison, A., & Tapp, J. (2018). Partial-interval estimation of count. Journal of Early Intervention, 40, 39-51. doi: 10.1177/1053815117748407

Stay-Play Talk and Peer-Related Interventions

Ledford, J. R., & Pustejovsky, J. E. (2023). Systematic review and meta-analysis of stay-play-talk interventions for improving social behaviors of young children. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 25(1), 65-77.  Pre-print available for free:

*Osborne, K., Ledford, J. R., *Martin, J., & *Thorne, K. (2019). Component analysis of stay, play, talk interventions with and without self-monitored group contingencies and recorded reminders. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 39, 5-18. doi: 10.1177/0271121418815236

*Severini, K., Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., & *Osborne, K. (2019). Implementing stay-play-talk with children who use AAC. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 38, 220-233. Thesis.

Engagement and Problem Behavior

Ledford, J. R., Trump, C., *Chazin, K. T., *Windsor, S., *Bennett, B. P., & Wunderlich, K. (2022). A systematic review of interruption and redirection procedures for autistic individuals. Behavioral Interventions.

Ledford, J. R., *Zimmerman, K. N., *Severini, K. S., Gast, H. A., & Osborne, K. (2020). Evaluation of the non-contingent provision of fidget toys during group activities. Focus on Autism and other Developmental Disabilities, 35, 101-107. doi: 10.1177/1088357620902501

Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., *Rigor, M., *Stankiewicz, K., *Chazin, K. T., *Harbin, E. R., & Taylor, A. G. (2019). Functional analysis and treatment of pica on a preschool playground. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, 176-181. 10.1007/s40617-018-00283-9

*Chazin, K. T., Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., & *Osborne, K. O. (2018). The effects of antecedent exercise on engagement during large group activities for young children. Remedial and Special Education, 39, 158-170. 10.1177/0741932517716899

*Zimmerman, K. N., Ledford, J. R., & *Severini, K. E. (2019). Brief report: The effects of a weighted blanket on engagement for a student with ASD. Focus on Autism and other Developmental Disabilities, 34, 15-19. doi: 10.1177/1088357618794911

*Severini, K. E., Ledford, J. R., & Robertson, R. (2018). Systematic review of problem behavior interventions: Outcomes, demographics, and settings. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 3261-3272. doi: 10.1007/s10803-018-3591-0