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Yang, Y.-M. & Karbstein, K. (2024) Ribosome Assembly and Repair. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 2024. 40:5.1–5.24

Parker, M.P., Brunk, E.S., Getzler, A. & Karbstein, K. (2024) The kinase Rio1 and a ribosome collision-dependent decay pathway survey the integrity of 18S rRNA cleavage. PloS Biology e3001767 [Preview by Gordon&Stanley (2024) PloS Biology].

Blomqvist, K.E., Huang, H. & Karbstein, K. (2023) A disease associated mutant reveals how Ltv1 orchestrates RP assembly and rRNA folding of the small ribosomal subunit head. PLoS Genetics 19(11):e1010862.

Parker, M.P. & Karbstein, K. (2023) Quality control ensures the fidelity of ribosome assembly and human health. J Cell Biol. 222(4):e202209115

Yang, Y-M., Jung, Y., Abegg, D., Adebekian, A., Carroll, K.S. & Karbstein, K. (2023) Chaperone-directed ribosome repair after oxidative stress.Molecular Cell 83(9):1527-1537 [Preview by Spiri&Brar (2023) Mol Cell 83(9):1374-1376]

Karbstein, K. (2022) The cost of ribosome heterogeneity. Molecular Cell 82(12):2179-2184.

Yang, Y-M. & Karbstein, K. (2022) The chaperone Tsr2 regulates Rps26 release and reincorporation from mature ribosomes to enable a reversible, ribosome-mediated response to stress. Science Advances 8(8):eable4386.

Huang, H., Parker, M.D. & Karbstein, K. (2022) The rRNA modifying enzyme Tsr3 coordinates the activity of the Rio1 and Rio2 kinases during 40S ribosome assembly. RNA doi: 10.1261/rna.078994.121

Karbstein, K. (2022) Attacking a DEAD Problem: The Role of DEAD-box ATPases in Ribosome Assembly and beyond. Methods in Enzymology

Liu, X., Huang, H. & Karbstein, K. (2022) Using DMS-MaPseq to Uncover the Roles of DEAD-box Proteins in Ribosome Assembly. Methods 204: 249-257.

Huang, H. & Karbstein, K. (2021) Assembly factors chaperone rRNA folding by isolating helical junctions that are prone to misfolding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(25):e2101164118.

Rai, J.*, Parker, M.P.*, Huang, H., Choy, S., Ghalei, H., Johnson, M.C., Karbstein, K. & Stroupe, M.E. (2021) An open interface in the pre-80S ribosome coordinated by ribosome assembly factors Tsr1 and Dim1 enables temporal regulation of Fap7. RNA 27(2): 221-233.

Huang, H., Ghalei, H & Karbstein, K. (2020) Quality control during head assembly ensures scanning competence J Cell Biol. 219(11):e202004161.

Parker, M.P., Collins, J.C., Korona, B., Ghalei, H. & Karbstein, K. (2019) A kinase-dependent checkpoint prevents escape of immature ribosomes into the translating pool. PloS Biology 17(12):e3000329

Yin, Z., Liu, X., Jin, M, Ariosa, A., Huang, H., Karbstein, K. & Klionsky, D. (2019) Psp2, a novel regulator of autophagy that promotes autophagy-related protein translation. Cell Research 29:994-1008.

Karbstein, K. (2019) Mitochondria Teach Ribosome Assembly. Science 365 (6458), 1077-1078.

Khoshnevis, S., Dattolo, M.D. & Karbstein, K. (2019) Rrp5 Establishes a Checkpoint for 60S Assembly During 40S Maturation to Ensure Balanced Levels of Ribosomal Subunits for Translational Control. RNA 25(9)1164-1176. PMID: 31217256.

Ferretti, M.B. & Karbstein, K. (2019) Does Functional Specialization of Ribosomes Really Exist? RNA 25, 521-538. PMID:30733326

Karbstein, K. (2018) Responsible Peer Review. ACS Chemical Biology 13(12)3217-18. PMID: 30993984

Collins, J.C.*, Ghalei, H.*, Doherty, J.R., Culver, R.N. & Karbstein, K. (2018) Quality Control During Small Ribosomal Subunit Maturation: Ltv1 Chaperones Assembly of the Head. J Cell Biol. 217(12): 4141-4154. PMID: 30348748

Ferretti, M.B., Barre, J.L. & Karbstein, K. (2018) Translational Reprogramming Provides a Blueprint for Cellular Adaptation. Cell Chem. Biol.25(11)1372-79. PMID: 3017431

Ghalei, H., Trepreau, J., Collins, J.C., Bhaskaran, H., Strunk, B.S. and Karbstein, K. (2017) The ATPase Fap7 Tests the Ability to Carry Out Translocation-Like Conformational Changes and Releases Dim1 During 40S Ribosome Maturation. Mol. Cell 67(6):990-1000. PMID: 2889033

Ferretti, M.B., Ghalei, H., Ward, E.A., Potts, E.L., & Karbstein, K. (2017) Rps26 directs mRNA-specific translation by recognition of Kozak sequence elements. Nature Structure and Molecular Biology 24(9):700-709. PMID: 28759050

Johnson, M.C.*, Ghalei, H.*, Doxtader, K., Karbstein, K. & Stroupe, M.E. Structural heterogeneity of pre-40S ribosomes. (2017) Structure 25(2):329-340. PMID: 28111018 [Preview by Hartwick&Wimberly (2017) Structure 25(2):261-219]

Khoshnevis, S., Askenazy, I., Johnson, M.C., Dattolo, M.D., Young-Erdos, C.L., Stroupe, M.E. & Karbstein, K. (2016) The DEAD-box protein Rok1 Orchestrates 40S and 60S Ribosome Assembly by Promoting the Release of Rrp5 from Pre-40S Ribosomes to Allow for 60S Maturation. PLoS Biol. 2016 Jun 9;14(6):e1002480. PMID: 27280440

Karbstein, K. *, What Will the Future Hold? RNP quality Control and Degradation. (2015) RNA 21(4):657-658. PMID: 25780179

De la Cruz, J.*, Karbstein, K. * and Woolford, J.L.*, Functions of Ribosomal Proteins in Assembly of Eukaryotic Ribosomes In Vivo. (2015) Annual Reviews Biochemistry 84: 93-129 * corresponding authors

Tyagi R., Shahani N., Gorgen L., Ferretti M., Pryor W., Chen P.Y., Swarnkar S., Worley P.F., Karbstein, K., Snyder, S.H., Subramaniam, S. Rheb Inhibits Protein Synthesis by Activating the PERK-elF2α Signaling Cascade. (2015) Cell Reports 10(5) 684-693.  PMID: 25660019

Ghalei, H., Schaub, F.X., Doherty, J.R., Noguchi, Y., Roush, W.R., Cleveland, J.L., Stroupe, M.E. & Karbstein, K.  (2015). Hrr25/CK1d-directed release of Ltv1 from pre-40S ribosomes is necessary for ribosome assembly and cell growth. Journal of Cell Biology 208(6):745-59. PMCID: PMC4362465

Young, C.L., Khoshnevis, S., and Karbstein, K. (2013). Co-factor dependent specificity of a DEAD-box protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, E2668-2676. PMCID: PMC3718167

Karbstein, K. (2013). Quality Control Mechanisms During Ribosome Maturation. Trends in Cell Biology 23, 242-250. PMCID: PMC3640646

Strunk, B.S., Novak, M.N., Young, C.L. and Karbstein, K. (2012). Joining of 60S subunits and a translation-like cycle in 40S ribosome maturation. Cell 150(1):111-21. [Preview by Schutz & Panse (2012) Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19(9):861-2; cited in Faculty of 1000]

Young, C.L. and Karbstein, K. (2012). Analysis of cofactor effects on RNA helicases. Methods in Enzymology 511:213-37.

Karbstein, K. (2011). Inside the 40S Assembly Machinery. Current Opinions in Chemical Biology 5(5):657-63.

Horn, D.H., Mason, S.E. & Karbstein, K. (2011). Rcl1 protein, a novel nuclease for 18S ribosomal RNA production. Journal of Biological Chemistry286(39):34082-7.

Strunk, B.S., Loucks, C.E., Su, M., Vashtish, H., Cheng, S., Schilling, J., Brooks, C.L. III, Karbstein, K.# and Skiniotis, G.# (2011) Ribosome Assembly Factors Prevent Premature Translation Initiation by 40S Assembly Intermediates. Science 333(6048), 1449-53. # corresponding authors

Young, C.L. and Karbstein, K. (2011). The Roles of S1 RNA-Binding Domains in Rrp5’s Interactions with pre-rRNA.  RNA 17, 512-21.

Campbell, M.G. and Karbstein, K. (2011). Protein-Protein Interactions in Late Pre-40S Ribosomes.  PLoS One 6(1):e16194.

Woolls, H.A., Lamanna, A.C. and Karbstein, K. (2011). Roles of DIM2 In Ribosome Assembly.  Journal of Biological Chemistry 286, 2578-2586.

Lamanna, A.C. and Karbstein, K. (2011). An RNA Conformational Switch Regulates Pre-18S rRNA Cleavage. Journal of Molecular Biology 405, 3-17, featured on the cover [Preview by Warner J.R. (2010) Journal of Molecular Biology 405, 1-2]

Karbstein, K. (2010). Chaperoning Ribosome Assembly. J. Cell Biol. 181, 11-12.

Strunk, B.S. and Karbstein, K. (2009) Powering Through Ribosome Assembly. RNA 15, 2083-2104.

Lamanna, A.C. & Karbstein, K. (2009) Nob1 Uses its PIN domain to Directly Bind the Single Stranded Cleavage Site D at the 3’-end of 18S rRNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, 14259-14264

Karbstein, K. (2009) Eukaryotic Ribosome Assembly. Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology 4, 222-230.

Todd, G.C. and Karbstein, K. (2007) RNA takes center stage. Biopolymers 87, 275-278.

Coppola BP, Banaszak Holl MM, Karbstein, K. (2007) Closing the gap between interdisciplinary research and disciplinary teaching. ACS Chem. Biol. 2, 518-20.

Karbstein, K. (2007) Role of GTPases in ribosome assembly. Biopolymers 87 1-11.

Karbstein, K., Lee, J. and Herschlag, D. (2007) Probing the Role of a Secondary Structure Element at the 5′- and 3′-Splice Sites in Group I Intron Self-splicing: The Tetrahymena L-16 ScaI Ribozyme Reveals a New Role of the G•U Pair in Self-splicing. Biochemistry 46, 4861-75.

Karbstein, K. and Doudna, J. A. (2006) GTP-Dependent Formation of a Ribonucleoprotein Subcomplex Required for Ribosome Biogenesis. Journal of Molecular Biology 356, 432-443.

Karbstein, K., Jonas, S. and Doudna, J. A. (2005) An essential GTPase promotes assembly of preribosomal RNA processing complexes. Molecular Cell 20, 633-643. [Preview by Dutca & Culver Molecular Cell 20, 497-499.]

Karbstein, K., Tang, K. H. and Herschlag, D. (2004) A Base Triple in the Tetrahymena Group I Core Affects the Reaction Equilibirum via a Threshold Effect. RNA 10, 1730-1739.

Karbstein, K., and Doudna, J. A. (2004) RNA: Primed for Packing? Chemistry & Biology 11, 149-151.

Karbstein, K., and Herschlag, D. (2003) Extraordinarily Slow Binding of Guanosine to the Tetrahymena Group I Ribozyme: Implications for RNA Preorganization and Function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100, 2300-2305.

Karbstein, K., Carroll, K.S., and Herschlag, D. (2002) Probing the Tetrahymena Group I Ribozyme Reaction in Both Directions. Biochemistry 41, 11171-11183.

Wang, S.L.*, Karbstein, K. *, Peracchi, A., Beigelman, L., and Herschlag, D. (1999) Identification of the Hammerhead Ribozyme Metal Ion Binding Site that Rescues the Deleterious Effect of a Cleavage Site Phosphorothioate. Biochemistry 38, 14363-14378.    * These authors contributed equally to this work.