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Frances Yun Cheng

Research Assistant, 2006-2007, Pharmacology


Yale University , New Haven , CT (2002-2006)
Intensive B.S. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Neurobiology Track.

Mellon Senior Research Fund
Gold Congressional Award
National Merit Semi-Finalist
AT&T Academic Excellence Scholarship
Edward J Bloustein Distinguished Scholar
CIE Student Achievement Scholarship
Governor’s School Scholar
National, French, and Art Honor Societies.

Research Description

Frances worked as a Research Assistant in the lab from August 2006 to May 2007. Frances studied the mechanisms of the protection of photoreceptor cells in the retina from degeneration by phosphorylation-independent “super-arrestins” in the transgenic mice expressing these mutants at different levels. The ultimate goal of these studies is the construction of arrestin-based tools that can promote photoreceptor survival. These mutant arrestins will be useful for gene therapy of various visual disorders that involve retinal degeneration.

Frances joined MD-PhD program at Vanderbilt in 2007, graduated, and works as a pediatrician in New Haven.