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Aline Jede

Undergraduate Reserach Intern, Pharmacology

DAAD RISE worldwide undergraduate intern in 2014, Pharmacology


Senior in Biology (B.Sc.), Dresden University of Technology, Germany

Expected graduation – 2015

Research Description

Aline worked in the lab from August through October of 2014 via the DAAD Rise worldwide exchange program. She is an undergraduate Biology student in her senior year at the Technical University in Dresden, Germany. She expects to graduate in 2015.


Aline’s research focused on the arrestin-3 based T1A peptide which works as a scaffold for the MAP-kinase signaling pathway, leading to the activation of C-Jun-N-terminal kinases. She is in the process of testing smaller peptides derived from the T1A construct (T1A-11, T1A-14, T1A-15, T1A-16 and T1A-18) for activation of JNK3α2. The numbers indicate the length of the peptide and represent the amount of amino acids.

Finding an even smaller peptide than T1A (25 residues) that can bind all kinases (ASK1, MKK4/7, JNK3) necessary for JNK3α2 activation, could bring us one step closer to a target that could channel cell signaling and help curing neurodegenerative diseases.