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Marie A. Caiola

Undergraduate Student, Law, History & Society, Cognitive Studies, and Quantitative Methods

Marie Caiola is a senior majoring in Law, History, & Society and Cognitive Studies, and minoring in Quantitative Methods. Since Fall 2020, Marie has been an undergraduate research assistant for the Drinking Water Justice Lab. Her research interests lie at the intersection of environmental health, community-engaged research, and geospatial analysis. Since joining the lab, Marie has assisted in the utilization of geospatial approaches to investigate human health outcomes regarding access to clean water. Marie is the lead undergraduate research assistant on the Tennessee Community Water Systems Estimated Service Area Boundaries (CWS ESAB) Digitization Project. Marie is now working on the compiling the preliminary data for the Environmental Health Legislation Tracking Project. This data will consist of federal-level environmental health legislation regulating air, water, and soil quality and corresponding surveillance and reporting requirements, including the agency responsible for the development of rules and regulations and regulatory enforcement oversight.

DWJL Projects

  • TN CWS ESAB Digitization Project
  • Environmental Health Legislation Tracking Project


  • Vanderbilt Women in Government
  • DoresDivest
  • Vanderbilt Student Government
  • EmbrACE Mentoring
