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Conference Proceedings

2000 to present

W. C. Bearden, C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Examination of NO Tag Formation for Unseeded Molecular Tagging Velocimetry,” AIAA SciTech, 55th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2017-0260, Dallas, Texas, January 9-13, 2017.

D. C. Tinker, C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Major Species Measurements and Simulation of Partially Premixed, Cellular, Tubular H2-Air Flames,” AIAA SciTech, 55th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2017-1801, Dallas, Texas, January 9-13, 2017.

C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Major Species Investigation of Non-Premixed Cellular Tubular Flames,” AIAA SciTech, 54th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2016-1203, San Diego, California, January 4-8, 2016.

D. C. Tinker, C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Partially Premixed Hydrogen-Air Cellular Flames in a Tubular Burner,” AIAA SciTech, 54th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2016-1204, San Diego, California, January 4-8, 2016.

Nathan Grady, Robert Pitz, Brad Ochs, Tom Slais, David Scarborough, and Suresh Menon, “Propagation of Premixed Flame Kernels in High Speed Channel Flows with Moderate Turbulence,” AIAA SciTech, 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2015-0169, Kissimmee, Florida, January 5-9, 2015.

Bradley A. Ochs, Thomas Slais, David E. Scarborough, Suresh Menon, Nathan R. Grady  and Robert Pitz, “Characteristics of Freely Propagating Premixed Flame Kernels in Supersonic Turbulent Channel Flows,” AIAA SciTech, 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2015-0928, Kissimmee, Florida, January 5-9, 2015.

Thomas Slais, Bradley Ochs, David Scarborough, Suresh Menon, Nathan Grady and Robert Pitz, “An Experimental Study of Homogeneous Anisotropic Turbulence in Channel Flow,” AIAA SciTech, 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2015-1275, Kissimmee, Florida, January 5-9, 2015.

N. R. Grady, R. W. Pitz, T. A. Slais, J. Berlette, B. Ochs, S. Menon, and D. Scarborough, “OH PLIF Laser Diagnostics of Turbulent, Premixed, Freely Propagating Flame Kernels,” AIAA SciTech, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2014-0315, National Harbor, Maryland, January 13-17, 2014.

C. A. Hall, R. W. Pitz, W. D. Kulatilaka, N. Jiang, and J. R. Gord, “Minor Species Measurements in Premixed Cellular Tubular Flames,” AIAA SciTech, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2014-0653, National Harbor, Maryland, January 13-17, 2014.

C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “An Experimental Study of H2/O2/CO2 Premixed Cellular Tubular Flames,” AIAA 51th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2013-1169, Grapevine, Texas, January 7-10, 2013.

C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Premixed Cellular Tubular Flames,” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2012-0165, Nashville, Tennessee, January 9-12, 2012.

N. R. Grady, R. W. Pitz, C. D. Carter and K. Hsu, “UV Raman Scattering Measurements of Supersonic Reacting Flow over a Piloted, Ramped Cavity,” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2012-0614, Nashville, Tennessee, January 9-12, 2012.

N. R. Grady, R. W. Pitz, J. H. Frankland, C. Ghodke, J. Pranatharthikaran, S. Menon, C. D. Carter, K.-Y. Hsu, “Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results of a Supersonic Reacting Flow over a Piloted, Ramped Cavity,” Spring Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Dayton, Ohio, April 22–24, 2012.

M. C. Ramsey, R. W. Pitz, T. P. Jenkins, Y. Matsutomi, C. Yoon and W. E. Anderson, “Experimental Velocimetry Profiles in the Cap Shock Pattern of a Thrust Optimized Rocket Nozzle,” 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2011-1167, Orlando, Florida, January 4-7, 2011.

A. N. Perkins, M. Ramsey, R. W. Pitz, J. A. Wehrmeyer, and A. E. Nelius, “Investigation of a Bow Shock in a Shock Tube Flow Facility using Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry,” 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2011-1092, Orlando, Florida, January 4-7, 2011.

N. R. Grady, T. Friedlander, R. W. Pitz, C. D. Carter, and K.-Y. Hsu, “Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry in a Supersonic Flow over a Piloted Cavity,” 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2010-1405, Orlando, Florida, January 4-7, 2010.

S. K. Desai, R. A. Hansel, G. Walker, and R. Pitz, “Europium-doped Pyrochlores for Use as Thermographic Phosphors in Thermal Barrier Coatings,” 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2010-0672, Orlando, Florida, January 4-7, 2010.

A. N. Perkins, M. C. Ramsey, D. J. Strickland, R. W. Pitz, J. A. Wehrmeyer, and A. Alexander, “Dual-Pulse Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry (HTV) in Jet Engine Exhausts,” 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Paper No. AIAA-2009-5108, Denver, Colorado, August 3-5, 2009.

M. C. Ramsey, T. C. Folk, A. N. Perkins, R. W. Pitz and T. P. Jenkins, “Assessment of the Application of Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry to Rocket Engine Exhausts,” 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Paper No. AIAA-2009-5054, Denver, Colorado, August 3-5, 2009.

Y. Wang, S. Hu, and R. W. Pitz, “Cellular Instabilities in Non-Premixed Opposed-Flow Tubular Flames,” 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2009-1181, Orlando, Florida, January 5-8, 2009.

R. W. Pitz, “Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry (Invited),” 38th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Paper No. AIAA-2008-3758, Seattle, Washington, June 23-26, 2008.

A. Alexander, J. Wehrmeyer, W. Runge, B. Blandford, A. V. Anilkumar, and R. Pitz, “Nonintrusive Measurement of Gas Turbine Velocity Using Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry,” 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, Paper No. AIAA-2008-3709, Seattle, Washington, June 23-26, 2008.

B. T. Blandford, W. O. Runge, S. Hu, A. V. Anilkumar, R. W. Pitz, and J. A. Wehrmeyer, “Application of Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry (HTV) to Measure Centerline Velocities in the Near Field Exhaust of a Gas Turbine Engine,” 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2008-0235, Reno, Nevada, January 7-10, 2008.

R. W. Pitz, N. R. Grady, S. W. Shopoff, S. Hu, and C. D. Carter, “UV Raman Scattering Measurements of a Mach 2 Reacting Flow over a Piloted Cavity,” 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2008-0244, Reno, Nevada, January 7-10, 2008.

Y. Wang, S. Hu, and R. W. Pitz, “Extinction and Cellular Instability of Premixed Tubular Flames,” 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2008-0979, Reno, Nevada, January 7-10, 2008.

Hu, S. and Pitz, R. W., Structural Study of Non-Premixed Tubular Hydrocarbon Flames, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2007-0178, 2007.

Hu, S., Pitz, R. W. and Wang, Y., Extinction and near-Extinction Instability of Non-Premixed Tubular Flames, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2007-0177, 2007.

Wang, P., Hu, S. and Pitz, R. W., Numerical Investigation of the Curvature Effects on Diffusion Flames, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2006-0159, 2006.

Hu, S., Wang, P. and Pitz, R. W., Curvature Effects in Non-Premixed Tubular Flames, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2006-1133, 2006.

Hu, S., Wang, P. and Pitz, R. W., A Structural Study of Premixed Tubular Flames, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2006-0160, 2006.

Katta, V. R., Hu, S., Wang, P., Pitz, R. W., Roquemore, W. M. and Gord, J., Hysteresis in a Counterflow Premixed Flame System, Proceedings of the 2006 Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of The Combustion Institute, 2006.

Ribarov, L., Hu, S., Wehrmeyer, J. A. and Pitz, R. W., Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry (HTV) Method Optimization: Signal Intensity and Spectroscopy, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2004-4165, 2004.

Hu, S., Mosbacher, D. M., Wehrmeyer, J. A. and Pitz, R. W., Simultaneous Temperature, Species and Velocity Measurements Via Combined Raman Spectroscopy and HTV, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2004-4167, 2004.

Z. Cheng, R. W. Pitz, Bennett, Beth Anne V., and Smooke, Mitchell D. (2004), “Oxygen-Enhanced High Temperature Co-Flow Flames,” AIAA 2004-3374, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, July 11-14.

Bennett, B. A. V., Smooke, M. D., Cheng, Z., and R. W. Pitz (2004), “Computational and Experimental Study of Oxygen-Enhanced Laminar Methane/Air Flames,” 10th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Sedona, Arizona, May 9-12. p. 9.

Z. Cheng, J. A. Wehrmeyer, and R. W. Pitz, “Lean or Ultra-Lean Stretched Propane/Air Counterflow Flames,” Proceeding of the 2004 Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of The Combustion Institute, Austin, TX, March 21-23, 2004.

Z. Cheng, J. A. Wehrmerer and R. W. Pitz, “Oxygen-Enhanced High Temperature Laminar Flames,” AIAA 2004-0144, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Scicences & Exhibit Meeting, Reno, NV.

Z. Cheng, J. A. Wehrmerer and R. W. Pitz, “Downstream Interaction of Lean Premixed Flame,” Proceeding of the Third Joint Meeting of the US. Sections of The Combustion Institute, Chicago, Illinois, March 16-19, 2003.

J. A. Wehrmerer, Z. Cheng, P. Wang, D.Mosbacher and R. W. Pitz, “Structure of Hydrogen- and Methane- Fueled Partially Premixed Planar and Tubular Flames,” 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Paper No. AIAA 2003-1017, January 6-9, 2003.

Z. Cheng, J. A. Wehrmeyer and R. W. Pitz, “Opposed Jet Flames of Lean Premixed Methane-Air vs. Hot Products,” 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, Paper No. AIAA 2002-4021, July 7-10, 2002.

L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer and R. W. Pitz, “Multiline Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry in Reacting and Nonreacting Experimental Flows,” 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Paper No. AIAA 2002-3862, Indianapolis, Indiana, July 7-10, 2002.

Z. Cheng, J. A. Wehrmeyer, and R. W. Pitz, “Opposed Jet Flames of Lean Premixed Hydrocarbon-Air Reactants vs. Hot Products,” Proceeding of the 2002 Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of The Combustion Institute, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 7-9, 2002.

L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer, and R. W. Pitz, ” Multiline Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry In Reacting and Nonreacting Experimental Flows,” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Technical Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 7-9, 2002.

D. M. Mosbacher, J. A. Wehrmeyer, R. W. Pitz, and C. J. Sung “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Premixed Cylindrical Flames, AIAA 40th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2002-0481, Reno, Nevada, January 14-17, 2002.

R. W. Pitz, D. M. Mosbacher, J. A. Wehrmeyer, R. J. Osborne, Z. Cheng, C.-J. Sung, and J. L. Byrd, “Raman Scattering Measurements of Low Temperature Planar and Tubular Flames: Implications for Modeling,” NSF Workshop on New Combustion Models with Practical Fuels, S. Margherita Ligure, Italy, September 20, 2001.

Ribarov, L. A., J. A. Wehrmeyer, R. W. Pitz, “Unseeded Molecular Flow Tagging in Low and High-Temperature Flows Using Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry,” Poster No. 2-8, 11th Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics of Combustion, Mount Holyoke, College, South Hadley, MA, July 2001.

D. M. Mosbacher, J. A. Wehrmeyer, R. W. Pitz, and C. J. Sung “Investigation of Partially-Premixed Cylindrical and Axial Opposed Jet Propane-Air Flames,” Joint Meeting of the United States Sections of the Combustion Institute, Oakland, CA, March 25-28, 2001.

L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer and R. W. Pitz, “Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry (HTV) in Ambient Air and Reacting Flows,” Joint Meeting of the United States Sections of the Combustion Institute, Oakland, CA, March 25-28, 2001.

J. A. Wehrmeyer, R. J. Osborne, D. M. Mosbacher, Z. Cheng, R. W. Pitz, and C.-J. Sung, “Investigation of Partially Premixed Propane-Air Flames with Flame Curvature,” AIAA 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2001-1083, Reno, Nevada, January 8-11, 2001.

L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer, and R. W. Pitz, “Molecular Flow Tagging Velocimetry for Low and High Temperature Flows,” 2000 Annual OSA/ILS-XVI Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, October 22-26, 2000. Abstract.

R. W. Pitz, J. A. Wehrmeyer, L. A. Ribarov, D. A. Oguss, F. Batliwala, P. A. DeBarber, S. Deusch and P. E. Dimotakis, “Unseeded Molecular Flow Tagging in Cold and Hot Flows Using Ozone and Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry,” 28th International Symposium on Combustion, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 30 to August 4, 2000. Work in Progress Poster.

L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer, and R. W. Pitz, “Laser-induced Flow Tagging using Ozone and Water,” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Technical Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 16-18, 2000.

R. J. Osborne, J. A. Wehrmeyer, and R. W. Pitz, “A Comparison of UV Raman and Visible Raman Techniques for Measuring Non-Sooting Partially Premixed Hydrocarbon Flames,” AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No. AIAA-2000-0776, Reno, Nevada, January 2000.

D. C. Tinker, C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Major Species Measurements and Simulation of Partially Premixed, Cellular, Tubular H2-Air Flames,” AIAA SciTech, 55th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2017-1801, Dallas, Texas, January 9-13, 2017.

W. C. Bearden, C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Examination of NO Tag Formation for Unseeded Molecular Tagging Velocimetry,” AIAA SciTech, 55th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2017-0260, Dallas, Texas, January 9-13, 2017.

D. C. Tinker, C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Partially Premixed Hydrogen-Air Cellular Flames in a Tubular Burner,” AIAA SciTech, 54th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2016-1204, San Diego, California, January 4-8, 2016.

C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Major Species Investigation of Non-Premixed Cellular Tubular Flames,” AIAA SciTech, 54th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2016-1203, San Diego, California, January 4-8, 2016.

Thomas Slais, Bradley Ochs, David Scarborough, Suresh Menon, Nathan Grady and Robert Pitz, “An Experimental Study of Homogeneous Anisotropic Turbulence in Channel Flow,” AIAA SciTech, 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2015-1275, Kissimmee, Florida, January 5-9, 2015.

Bradley A. Ochs, Thomas Slais, David E. Scarborough, Suresh Menon, Nathan R. Grady  and Robert Pitz, “Characteristics of Freely Propagating Premixed Flame Kernels in Supersonic Turbulent Channel Flows,” AIAA SciTech, 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2015-0928, Kissimmee, Florida, January 5-9, 2015.

Nathan Grady, Robert Pitz, Brad Ochs, Tom Slais, David Scarborough, and Suresh Menon, “Propagation of Premixed Flame Kernels in High Speed Channel Flows with Moderate Turbulence,” AIAA SciTech, 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2015-0169, Kissimmee, Florida, January 5-9, 2015.

C. A. Hall, R. W. Pitz, W. D. Kulatilaka, N. Jiang, and J. R. Gord, “Minor Species Measurements in Premixed Cellular Tubular Flames,” AIAA SciTech, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2014-0653, National Harbor, Maryland, January 13-17, 2014.

N. R. Grady, R. W. Pitz, T. A. Slais, J. Berlette, B. Ochs, S. Menon, and D. Scarborough, “OH PLIF Laser Diagnostics of Turbulent, Premixed, Freely Propagating Flame Kernels,” AIAA SciTech, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2014-0315, National Harbor, Maryland, January 13-17, 2014.

C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “An Experimental Study of H2/O2/CO2 Premixed Cellular Tubular Flames,” AIAA 51th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2013-1169, Grapevine, Texas, January 7-10, 2013.

N. R. Grady, R. W. Pitz, J. H. Frankland, C. Ghodke, J. Pranatharthikaran, S. Menon, C. D. Carter, K.-Y. Hsu, “Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results of a Supersonic Reacting Flow over a Piloted, Ramped Cavity,” Spring Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Dayton, Ohio, April 22–24, 2012.

N. R. Grady, R. W. Pitz, C. D. Carter and K. Hsu, “UV Raman Scattering Measurements of Supersonic Reacting Flow over a Piloted, Ramped Cavity,” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2012-0614, Nashville, Tennessee, January 9-12, 2012.

C. A. Hall and R. W. Pitz, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Premixed Cellular Tubular Flames,” 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2012-0165, Nashville, Tennessee, January 9-12, 2012.

Prior to 2000

S. Yeralan, P. A. DeBarber, M. S. Brown, J. A. Wehrmeyer and R. W. Pitz, “Use of Rotational and Rotational-Vibrational Raman Spectroscopy for Rocket Combustion Measurements,” 33rd National Heat Transfer Conference, August 15-17, 1999 in Albuquerque, NM.

Wehrmeyer, J. A., L. A. Ribarov, D. A., Oguss, F. Batliwala, R. W. Pitz, and P.A. DeBarber,”Flow Tagging Velocimetry for Low and High Temperature Flowfields,” Poster No. 2-1, 10th Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics of Combustion, Il Ciocco, Barga, Italy, June 1999.

Ribarov, L. A., J. A. Wehrmeyer, D. A. Oguss, R. W. Pitz, and P.A. DeBarber,”Development of Flow Tagging Velocimetry Methods for Low and High Temperature Experimental Flowfields,” 7th Annual Graduate Student Technical Conference–ASME Region XI, Birmingham, AL, April, 1999.

S. Yeralan, P. A. DeBarber, M. S. Brown, J. A. Wehrmeyer and R. W. Pitz,”Experimental Determination of Temperature Using H2 Rotational Raman Spectroscopy,” Joint Meeting of the United States Sections of the Combustion Institute, Washington, D. C., March 15-17, 1999.

J. A. Wehrmeyer, L. A. Ribarov, D. A. Oguss, and R. W. Pitz, “Water Vapor 193 nm Photodissociation for High Temperature Flow Tagging Velocimetry,” Joint Meeting of the United States Sections of the Combustion Institute, Washington, D. C., March 15-17, 1999.

J. A. Wehrmeyer, L. A. Ribarov, F. Batliwala, R. W. Pitz, and P. A. DeBarber, ” Flow Tagging Velocimetry for Low and High Temperature,” AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Paper No. AIAA-99-0646, Nevada, January 1999.

Ribarov, L. A., J. A., Wehrmyer, F. Batliwala, R. W. Pitz and P. A. DeBarber, “Unseeded Instantaneous Scalar Velocity Measurements of Air FLows by Ozone Tagging Velocimetry,” Poster No. W4E06, 27th International Symposium on Combustion, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, August 1998.

P. A. DeBarber, L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer, F. Batliwala, and R. W. Pitz, “Quantitative Unseeded Molecular Velocimetry Imaging,” 9th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,” Lisbon, Portugal, July 13-16, 1998.

R. W. Pitz, L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer, F. Batliwala, and P. A. DeBarber, “Ozone Tagging Velocimetry for Unseeded Velocity Measurements in Air Flows (Invited),” 20th AIAA Advanced Measurement and Ground Testing Technology Conference, Paper No. AIAA-98-2610, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 15-18, 1998.

L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer, F. Batliwala, R. W. Pitz, and P. A. DeBarber, “Unseeded Instantaneous Velocity Measurements of Air Flows by Ozone Tagging Velocimetry,” Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Technical Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, May 31-June 2, 1998.

L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer, F. Batliwala, R. W. Pitz, and P. A. DeBarber, “Ozone Tagging Velocimetry (OTV) Measurements Using Narrowband Excimer Lasers,” 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA #98-0513, Reno, Nevada, January 1998

L. A. Ribarov, J. A. Wehrmeyer, R. W. Pitz, and P. A. DeBarber, “Instantaneous Velocity Field Measurements of Air Flows by Ozone Tagging Velocimetry (OTV),” OSA Topical Meeting, Laser Applications to Chemical and Environmental Analysis, Orlando, Florida, March 9-11, 1998

Ribarov, L. A., J. A. Wehrmeyer, F. Batliwala, R. W. Pitz, and P. A. DeBarber, “Unseeded Velocity Measurements by Ozone Tagging Velocimetry (OTV) Method,” mentioned in the article “The Year in Review,” (Aerodynamic Measurement Technology) in AeroSpace America, vol. 12, p.11, Decmeber 1997.

P. A. DeBarber, M. S. Brown, J. Segall, R. W. Pitz T. M. Brown and R. A. Yetter, “Ozone Flow Tagging for Unseeded Velocimetry,” 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA #96-0300, 1996

T. M. Brown, R. W. Pitz, M. Tanoff, and M. D. Smooke, “Species Concentration and Temperature Measurements in Low Stretch Pure Hydrogen/Air Counterflow Diffusion Flames Using UV Raman Scattering,” 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA #96-0467, 1996

R. J. Osborne, P. A. Skaggs, and R. W. Pitz, “Multi-Camera/Spectrometer Design for Instantaneous Line Rayleigh/Raman/LIPF Measurements in Methane/Air Flames,” 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA #96-0175, 1996

R. J. Osborne, T. M. Brown, R. W. Pitz, M. Tanoff, and M. Smooke, “Study of Structure, Extinction, and Emissions of Partially Premixed Methane flames in Laminar Counterflow,” 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA #96-0212, 1996

T. M. Brown, and R. W. Pitz, “Experimental Investigation of Counterflow Diffusion flames with Oscillatory Stretch,” Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA #96-0214, 1996

S. P. Nandula, R. W. Pitz, R. S. Barlow, and G. J. Fiechtner, “Rayleigh/Raman/LIF Measurements in a Turbulent Lean Premixed Combustor,” AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA#96-0937, 1996
(Awarded the 1996 AIAA Best Paper in Propellants and Combustion)

P. A. DeBarber, M. S. Brown, R. W. Pitz, T. M. Brown, and D. G. Fletcher, “Ozone Flow Tagging: A Novel Approach for Un-Seeded Velocimetry Measurement,” 26th Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, San Diego, CA, 1995

R. W. Pitz, T. M. Brown, and P. A. DeBarber, “Unseeded Velocity Measurement by Ozone Tagging Velocimetry (OTV),” Joint Meeting of the Central States/Western States/Mexican National Sections of the Combustion Insitute and the American Flame Research Committee, San Antonio, TX, #95S-069, 1995

P. A. Skaggs, T. M. Brown, S. P. Nandula, R. W. Pitz, and E. P. Hassel, “Multi-Species Measurements in CH4-Air Flames Using a Narrowband KrF Excimer Laser by UV Raman Scattering,” 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, #AIAA-94-0613, 1994

T. M. Brown, S. P. Nandula, P. A. Skaggs, R. W. Pitz, G. L. Pellett, W. Roberts, L. G. Wilson, and K. M. Isaac, “Multi-Point Measurement Of Temperature And Species Concentration Measurements In Opposed Jet Flames By UV Raman Scattering,” 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, #AIAA-94-0226, 1994

S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, P. A. Skaggs, R. W. Pitz, and P. A. DeBarber, “Multi-Species Line Raman Measurements in H2-Air Turbulent Flames,” 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, #AIAA-94-0227, 1994

P. A. DeBarber, C. F. Hess, R. W. Pitz, S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, and P. A. Skaggs, “Practical Applications in UV Raman Line Imaging of Water Vapor,” SPIE’s OE/LASE 94, Los Angeles, CA, 1994

S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, and R. W. Pitz, “Measurements of Differential Diffusion and Scalar Dissipation in Reaction Zones by Raman Scattering,” Western States Section (The Combustion Institute), Menlo Park, CA, 1993

R. W. Pitz, S. Nandula, and T. M. Brown, “Comparison of Reaction Zones in Turbulent Lifted Diffusion Flames to Stretched Laminar Flamelets,” AIAA, SAE, ASME, ASEE 28th Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, #AIAA-92-3349, 1992

S. P. Nandula, T. M. Brown, W. A. Cole, and R. W. Pitz, “Simultaneous Multi-Species Multi-Point Measurements in H2-Air Flames using a Narrowband KrF Excimer Laser,” AIAA, SAE, ASME, ASEE 28th Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, #AIAA-92-3348, 1992

T. C. Cole, W. A. Cole, T. M. Brown, and R. W. Pitz, “Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing for Measurement of NO2 and Smoke Concentration in Jet Engine Exhaust,” AIAA, SAE, ASME, ASEE 28th Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, #AIAA-92-3658, 1992

P. A. DeBarber, C. F. Hess, T. M. Brown, W. A. Cole, S. P. Nandula, and R. W. Pitz, “Two-Photon Photodissociation of Water Vapor to Measure Hydrogen/Air Mixing in Hypersonic Propulsion,” 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, #AIAA-92-0627, 1992

T. M. Brown, R. W. Pitz, C. F. Hess, and C. P. Wood, “Pulsed Photothermal Laser Deflection for Low-Level Smoke Measurements in Jet Engine Exhaust,” AIAA, SAE, ASME, ASEE 27th Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento, CA, #AIAA-91-2246, 1991.

T. M. Brown, R. W. Pitz, C. F. Hess, and C. P. Wood, “Smoke and NO2 Measurements by Pulsed Photothermal Laser Deflection,” Central States Section The Combustion Institute), Nashville, TN, 1991.