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Courtney A. Lovejoy, Sarah R. Wessel, Rahul Bhowmick, Yuki Hatoyama, Masato T. Kanemaki, Runxiang Zhao & David Cortez . SRBD1 facilitates chromosome segregation by promoting topoisomerase IIα localization to mitotic chromosomes. Nature Communication. 16, 1675


Bhowmick R, Ian Hickson, Ying Liu. Completing genome replication outside of S-phase. Molecular Cell.
2023. 83:3596-3607.

Bhowmick R*, Kavi P. M. Mehta, Mads Lerdrup, David Cortez*. Integrator facilitates RNAPII removal to prevent transcription-replication collisions and genome instability. Molecular Cell. 2023. 83:2357-2366. *Co-corresponding author

Liu W, Saito Y, Jackson J, Bhowmick R, Kanemaki M, Vindigni A, Cortez D. RAD51 bypasses the CMG helicase to promote replication fork reversal. Science. 2023. 380:320-327.

Wu W, Barwacz S, Bhowmick R. Dinis M, Kanemaki M, Liu Y. Mitotic DNA synthesis in response to replication stress requires the sequential action of DNA polymerases zeta and delta in human cells. Nature Communication. 2023. 14:706.


Bhowmick R*, Lerdrup M*, Singh M, Liu Y, Halazonetis T, Hickson I. RAD51 protects human cells from transcription-replication conflicts. Molecular Cell. 2022. 82: 3366-3381. *Co-first author

Vajen B, Bhowmick R, Greiwe L, Schäffer V, Eilers M, Reinkens T, Stalke A, Schmidt G, Fiedler J, Thum T, DeLuca DS, Hickson I, Schlegelberger B, Illig T, Skawran B. MicroRNA-449a Inhibits Triple Negative Breast Cancer by Disturbing DNA Repair and Chromatid Separation. International journal of molecular sciences. 2022. 23:5131.


Macheret M*, Bhowmick R*, Sobkowiak K*, Padayachy L, Mailler J, Hickson I, Halazonetis T. High resolution mapping of common fragile sites in the human genome through sequencing of sites of mitotic DNA synthesis. Cell Research. 2020. 30:997-1008. *Co-first authors

Wu W*, Bhowmick R*, Vogel I, Thakur RS, Richter PH, Ren L, Hickson I, Liu Y. RTEL1 prevents the pathological accumulation of R-loops at difficult-to-replicate loci in the human genome. Nature Structural Molecular Biology. 2020. 27:424-437. *Co-first author


Bhowmick R, Thakur R, Venegas A, Liu Y, Nilsson J, Barisic M, Hickson I. The RIF1-PP1 Axis Controls Abscission Timing in Human Cells. Current Biology. 2019. 29:1232-1242.

Sonneville R*, Bhowmick R*, Hoffmann S, Mailand N, Hickson I, Labib K. TRAIP drives replisome disassembly and mitotic DNA repair synthesis at sites of incomplete DNA replication. eLife. 2019. 8:e48686. *Co-first author


Ozer O, Bhowmick R, Liu Y, Hickson I. Human cancer cells utilize mitotic DNA synthesis to resist replication stress at telomeres regardless of their telomere maintenance mechanism. Oncotarget. 2018. 9:15836-15846.

Mukherjee A, Patra U, Bhowmick R, Chawla M. Rotaviral nonstructural protein 4 triggers dynamin‐related protein 1‐dependent mitochondrial fragmentation during infection. Cellular microbiology. 2018. 20:e12831

Garribba L, Wu W, Özer Ö, Bhowmick R, Hickson I, Liu Y. Inducing and detecting mitotic DNA synthesis at difficult-to-replicate loci. Methods in enzymology. 2018. 601:45-58


Bhowmick R, Hickson I. The “enemies within”: regions of the genome that are inherently difficult to replicate. F1000Res. 2017. 6:666.

Di Marco S, Hasanova Z, Kanagaraj R, Chappidi N, Altmannova V, Menon S, Sedlackova H, Langhoff J, Surendranath K, Hühn D, Bhowmick R, Marini V, Ferrari S, Hickson ID, Krejci L, Janscak P. RECQ5 Helicase Cooperates with MUS81 Endonuclease in Processing Stalled Replication Forks at Common Fragile Sites during Mitosis. Molecular Cell. 2017. 66:658-671.

Natsume T, Nishimura K, Minocherhomji S, Bhowmick R, Hickson ID, Kanemaki MT. Acute inactivation of the replicative helicase in human cells triggers MCM8-9-dependent DNA synthesis. Genes & Development. 2017. 31:816-829.

Chattopadhyay S, Mukherjee A, Patra U, Bhowmick R, Basak T, Sengupta S, Chawla M. Tyrosine phosphorylation modulates mitochondrial chaperonin Hsp60 and delays rotavirus NSP4‐mediated apoptotic signaling in host cells. Cellular Microbiology. 2017. 19:e12670.


Bhowmick R*, Minocherhomji S*, Hickson I. RAD52 Facilitates Mitotic DNA Synthesis Following Replication Stress. Molecular Cell. 2016. 64:1117-1126. *Co-first author


Bhowmick R, Mukherjee A, Patra U, Chawla M. Rotavirus disrupts cytoplasmic P bodies during infection. Virus research. 2015. 210:344-354.


Bhowmick R, Banik G, Chanda S, Chattopadhyay S, Chawla M. Rotavirus infection induces G1 to S phase transition in MA104 cells via Ca+ 2/Calmodulin pathway. Virology. 2014. 454:270-279.

Sarkar T, Das S, Nandy P, Bhowmick R, Nandy A. In silico study of potential autoimmune threats from rotavirus infection. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 2014. 51:51-56.

Nayak M, Agrawal A, Bose S, Naskar S, Bhowmick R, Chakrabarti S. Sarkar S, Chawla M. Antiviral activity of baicalin against influenza virus H1N1-pdm09 is due to modulation of NS1-mediated cellular innate immune responses. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2014. 69: 1298-1310.

Nandi S, Chanda S, Bagchi P, Nayak M, Bhowmick R, Chawla M. MAVS protein is attenuated by rotavirus nonstructural protein 1. PloS one. 2014. 9:e92126.


Bhowmick R, Halder U, Chattopadhyay S, Nayak M, Chawla M. Rotavirus-encoded nonstructural protein 1 modulates cellular apoptotic machinery by targeting tumor suppressor protein p53. Journal of virology. 2013. 87: 6840-6850.

Bagchi P, Bhowmick R, Nandi S, Nayak M, Chawla M. Rotavirus NSP1 inhibits interferon induced noncanonical NFκB activation by interacting with TNF receptor associated factor 2. Virology. 2013. 444:41-44.

Chattopadhyay S, Basak T, Nayak M, Bhardwaj G, Mukherjee A, Bhowmick R, Sengupta S, Chakrabarti O, Chatterjee N, Chawla M. Identification of cellular calcium binding protein calmodulin as a regulator of rotavirus A infection during comparative proteomic study. PLoS One. 2013. 8:e56655.


Bagchi P, Nandi S, Chattopadhyay S, Bhowmick R, Halder UC, Nayak M, Kobayashi N, Chawla M. Identification of common human host genes involved in pathogenesis of different rotavirus strains: an attempt to recognize probable antiviral targets. Virus research. 2012. 169:144-153.