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Student Math Practices


Student practices are the math-specific ways that students are engaged during the lesson.


Using Tools

Proficient students choose among tools and recognize their benefits and limitations when solving a problem.

In early elementary, tools might include lines, counting implements, base 10 blocks, abacus, geoboards, math link cubes, etc.


Sharing Thinking

Young children are remarkably capable of reasoning about sophisticated math ideas and their informal understanding supports math learning during early childhood.

Effective teaching of math uses evidence of student thinking to assess progress toward understanding and adjusts instruction in order to support and extend learning.


Peer Talk

Effective math teaching builds a shared understanding of ideas by facilitating student discourse and, specifically, by analyzing and comparing student approaches and arguments.



Mathematically proficient students maintain oversight of the process while attending to the details. They continually evaluate the reasonableness of their intermediate results.

-Standards for Mathematical Practice, Common Core